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Position:Home>Philosophy> If it doen't kill you... does it really make you stronger...?

Question: If it doen't kill you!.!.!. does it really make you stronger!.!.!.!?
you know the saying "if it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger!?"

please explain it!.!.!. examples would help!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The phrase itself is generally talking about learning experiences!.

Let's say for example you want to do something with your friends that you think will make you seem really cool!. It involves driving your car and something or other happens and you get into a really bad car accident!. Now, you don't die, but you do realize that it's something you could have or even SHOULD have died from!. The phrase comes in handy in this situation, one because you DIDN'T die, and two because since you didn't die, you now have the opportunity to reflect upon the actions you took and know not to do it again!.

That's one way the phrase could work!. Another is related to school or work and not the social spectrum!. Let's say you have a huge final exam or something do for work that you think you're prepared for but you aren't too sure!. Let's say you were banking on whatever it was and you REALLY needed to do extremely well!. So time goes by after you've turned it in or taken the test and you've gotten it back and you did horribly on it!. You feel awful about it!. The phrase works here because failing didn't kill you, but it also helps you reflect on WHY you failed and what you need to do in order to do better the next time around!.

So, the saying is less literal (but it can be used literally) and more philosophical!. It's about getting your mind around obstacle that keep you down and learning how to best them!. How to go through the same process again, but succeed!.

Hope this was at least a little insightful somehow!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes it does, for instance lets take the black plague or its real name the bulbamic plague, this killed over 1/3 of the population in europe, and now the descendents of the survivors have a chance to have a mutation in which they can not get HIV/AIDS its impossible!. So it made them stronger because they cant get that desease (they dont have receptors on key cells in the body) also if a kid plays with a lighter and catches himself on fire he learns from it, and thus hell stop messing around with fire (and i dont mean the one second touch of flame)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let's use relationships as an example!. So you end a relationship with someone because you eventually decided he/she argues & is negative all the time!.

It made you mentally "stronger" to be able to make a conscience effort to evaluate your next relationships!.

Like touching the hot stove top!. You do it once or twice, but you learn not to do it again, right!? (That makes you stronger and you don't loose a finger or hand!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find that that statement holds more truth for species than for individuals!. It is a driving principle behind evolution!.

As far as personal experiences go this statement is generally true for emotional situations!. Not so much for physical traumas!. Generally not that much stronger for having your limbs ripped off!. However recovering after being dumped (an emotional thing, hopefully) gets easier everytime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its basically saying that if something is really really really hard; but doesnt actually hurt you that much; it will make you stronger later and you will learn from that expierence

for example: you have been assigned a test for next friday!. But pretend today is thursday and you havent studied yet!.!.!.!. so this shows you that you need to organize your time, and you do that for the other upcoming tests!.

!!!hope i helped!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends on how you look back on it!. If you dear it then it will make you weaker and not wish to face it again!. But if you learn from it and understand it, it can allow you to become less afraid, or more able to handle it the next time it comes around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are supposed to learn from each experience!. Thus, if you survive, you should have gained in knowledge, Right!?

Knowledge is power!. Or so they say!.

Luck to you!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would like to say no!. but in my experience this statement is true!. i have gone through many struggles!. it made me a wiser personWww@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely believe that!. An example is the army's basic training!. It's rough and tough but if you stick through it and survive it's very rewardingWww@QuestionHome@Com

dont drink poison example diet pepsi!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.drink coke insteadWww@QuestionHome@Com

unless its a person is the rest of it < i wrote thatWww@QuestionHome@Com