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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do we all create our own reality?

Question: Do we all create our own reality!?
are we just getting what we ask for!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
some times we create our own reality when we have enthusiasm and enough courage but when we lack them we let our fate and life determine usWww@QuestionHome@Com

Life is hardly a matter of getting what anyone asks for!. It is either the matter of what we are given, regardless of our wants, or it is a matter of creating all that we do as all that we can ourselves!. Life is either a matter of living within a preordained reality, fully submerged so to speak, or it is a matter of being within our own reality, an entirety ourselves!.

However, it is commonly evidence due to our pains, suffering and failures that we might not be a lone purpose in our world, there might be some other purposes, aside purposes of all the men, purposes of some greater and wiser forces!. If we on the other hand we solely create our own reality then there is no reason for having troubles, conflicts and contradictions!. And if the reality is all created by some absolute powers for us and we are just hapless beings also created by the same absolute powers, if we have no will to alter, modify, improve, depreciate or enhance reality even then there is no reason for us to fail!.

In my view therefore it is more likely that we are created within a reality but are endowed with a free will, that we create reality within reality!. We create new realities whenever we think or act, whenever we make laws and break them, whenever we do good things and bad things!. We breath our reality into exitence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes and no!.

Reality may be negotiated!. You may pray for sunshine!. I may pray for rain!.

Mostly you are right because you have the most power, and inclination to change your life!.

Poeple act to confirm their beliefs!. If you believe you are a failure, you will fail!. Believe you are the best and you will not rest until you prove to yourself it is true!.

I also susspect that prayer, magic, visualization or whatever you want to call the power of belief, is able to magically make things happen sometimes!.

If prayer or wishes have power we have the small problem that you may wish for one thing when others wish the opposite!.

So do not give up on the power of beelief or desire, just wish for things that don't upset others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's not reality that we are creating it's dream and those dreams is what we make a reality!.

Nope, we are not getting what we ask for but we are receiving what is for us and what we deserve!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In a sense we do, because we construct a model of the world in our heads based on data received from our senses!. But your subsequent question implies some kind of karma or cosmic ordering, which there is no evidence for nor mechanism to explain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that it all has to do with knowledge and mind set!.But on the other hand,things happen that we have no control over!.So Guess I would say,it goes both ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When some of us mature enough to realise how fast is our life ticking away, then we start to transform our dreams into reality!.
Some unfortunate of us will never have the pleasure of reliving the dreamWww@QuestionHome@Com

if that was true i'll be in a 5 bed house, with no mortage, kids would all get straight A's, infact no, i wouldnt have kids yet as i'd still be on my world sightseeing tour lol!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say so, to an extent!. The human mind is fallible, what it perceives and what is real are often not the same thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No,something,there accdent happens,and you might change you original idea!. there so many things out there unknown!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope we all share realitly imo, ifa crazy person is more crazy, then we all get a bit more crazy!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

we share the same reality, we just preceive it differentlyWww@QuestionHome@Com


in mine i am godlyWww@QuestionHome@Com