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Position:Home>Philosophy> Good Conscience?

Question: Good Conscience!?
what prompts you to have a good conscience!? What prompts you not to do bad!? Is it the stories you've heard, or just strong morals and ethics!?

Is it God, the Holy Spirit!.

Saying it is of yourself only, will not answer!. We need the strength from somewhere!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am good because I like knowing that I have helped improve someone's condition in the world!. I don't think it requires strength to do what is good!. If you know what is good, then you can't not do it (double negative purposeful)!. Having a good conscience just requires people to look outside of themselves!. To know that greed and egoism at the expense of others IS a bad thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Behavioral and cognitive psychology explains this pretty well!.

Anyway, good and bad are social constructs that are either ingrained in us (parents, media, school, etc!.) or satisfy some need or desire we might have at some point in life (religion for some)!. I try to not use these particular terms because 1!.) they are very often used in rhetoric; 2!.) they seem to automatically imply that the action in question is not only good or bad, but inherently good or bad; 3!.) they're largely subjective/relative; and 4!.) the only useful rules related to these concepts can be explained by virtue of something outside of mystical ideas of God, conscience, and things in-and-of-themselves!.

What prompts me to not do bad!? Part of it is my upbringing, though mostly it's to avoid punishment!. Even in the absence of punishment, however, we can rationally come to useful ideas in the formation of a functional society!.

And I resent your comment that we "need the strength from somewhere!." This seems like a projection of your own needs upon everyone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I treat others how I would like to be treated!. I have respect for myself, so I respect others!. I wouldn't want someone stealing from me, murdering me, insulting me etc!. So, I don't steal from others, I don't murder others, and I don't insult others etc!. Just by putting yourself in other peoples shoes that's were conscience comes from!. Thats how you know something is wrong, when another less self-aware individual commits a wrong against you, you'll know it because it hurts!. If you are a self-respecting person it would only be natural that you will respect others and not want to hurt them in the same way!. It's all very logical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Atheists can have strong morals, so you do not need god to be good!. A person is not truly being moral as long as h/she is acting only to gain favor or please someone else!. When something is seen to be just, good, virtuous, and the person desires to be just, good and virtuous, they are beginning to become moral beings!. If you act out what you think will win you favor with the gods, you are a hedonist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i believe people generally act in a way that makes them feel good!. we know if we do something right we will feel good about ourselves, and if we do something bad we will feel bad about ourselves!. generally i mean, i guess this doesnt apply to everyone!. except those who are a little twisted and doing bad just happens to make them feel better than doing good!.

the strength is coming from our mind, we have been told since we were young whats right and whats wrong!. we know when we are doing something wrong because it has been taught!. i think as we get older our mind starts punishing us for our wrongs and praising us for our rights because thats how it was for many as a kid with their parents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I think it's God's Spirit that convicts us of wrong, but that conviction can come from personal experience and your morals etc!., and the Spirit uses that to help convict you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
