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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are some impacts of "Self-Determination" and what is it (self-det

Question: What are some impacts of "Self-Determination" and what is it (self-determination) important to us !?
Self-Determination as in having the will and focus on achieving something regardless of hindrances!. I was thinking of how people won in wars by sheer self-determination, or patients overcome their illness (often very severe) by their strong wills!. The whole problem is I don't know how to elaborate this idea at all!. Could you please help me (if okay, references would be tremendously appreciated)
Thanks a million times !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe that, actually, Self-Determination is the belief that a population has the right to choose their nationality, and is linked to political and social freedom!. It is there to act as a potential road to freedom from tyrants and the like, and yet there are some who do not believe it is an inherant 'right'!. So im not going to answer your question with that definition of Self-Determination but your use of it!. which is perhaps even more dangerous, if it is possible!. As my type started a world war!.
And yet your definition shows a weaknes in human personality, as plato said, that it is necessary to constantly question oneself!. and if we have such a blind will, that makes us no more than robots!.
Your thinking revolves around the belief that the persons actions will always be good, and what happens if a person with evil intentions has such Self-Determination!? perhaps hitler is a strking example, he had the will, and despite the obstacles, or hindrances he came to power through focus and alot of effort!. And that gave us the Holocaust!.
I believe that the perfect person would not believe he is always right and in the words of an amazing author, Thomas a kempis: 'We are all frail, consider none more frail than yourself!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

self-determination is when the members of a society or nation rule themselves, isn't it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com