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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that outer space has a wall?

Question: Do you think that outer space has a wall!?
i was just wandering, if we flew to outer space, will there be an ending!? i was thinking that if we do that we'll hit i giant blue wall!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe that space is never ending!. Some see it as a string theory!.

Being humans we can 't comprehend outter space!. I believe we would find the our definations of laws of nature will be blown away the futher out in space we go!.

You saying that there might be a giant blue wall that we hit and the end of space!. That is like a long time ago when humans thought the world was flat!.

I think the univers is endless!. perhaps by boundries we can't see or have the scientific ability to comprehend!. Maybe it makes turns that make hitting a wall is impossible!.

Who knows!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

space is so vast that it is dimensionless!.!.!. hence, no walls around space!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

space probably doesnt have any wall!. i read on wikipedia that its ever expanding, so their might be a boundry thats ever expanding, but no wall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I don't think so!. I think space is a vast area that does not end, in any sense of our thinking!. However, if it were to end, I think it would be so far beyond anything that we could reach, that we would never be able to hit it if we tried, at least not for a very long time!. I think that until our technology advances even more so than it has, that we'll never really know what's going on up there!. We certainly have some idea, but like your question, there are many that aren't answered because we obviously don't know all the specifics!. Like another poster said, space is a very vast!.!."area," for lack of a better word, that I don't believe ends, but if it did!.!.!.my wall would be black!. Haha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.!.!.and what is behind the wall!? And who build it!? Well!.!.!. I think those who created take care that we would never get there!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hopefully it is not a wavefront of an anti big bang -- although that might just be the case!.

Or that the outer limit of space would be so cold and lack of energy where things just disintegrate as matter is broken up and the energy diluted instantaneously like a pool of anti matter without explosion -- or actually anti energy!. Perhaps that's why expansion of space seems to be accelerating -- as being destroyed by anti space!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you believe in multidimensional physics, space is the wall!. Space is like a circle or skin of an orange but intead of being 2 or 3 dimensional it is 4 or more dimensions!. E!.g!. a 3D skin on a 4D apple!.

If you take the quantum information model you would likely never get to the wall because more pixels would be painted (filling in new details) as you approach the "blue screen"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just went out there today and nearly busted my head open on it!. It was painful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com