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Position:Home>Philosophy> If fate is a pre-determined future, is it possible to change our fate?

Question: If fate is a pre-determined future, is it possible to change our fate!?
I don't see how this could work because when you change where the future is heading (ie fate) that could be fate itself!. It could be your fate that you would change your fate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Though I see, and agree with what you say, Zander has the core of my answer, too!. I reject fate, and all its nasty masks!.!.!.destiny, fortune, kismet, lot, portion, predestination, The very concept cheapens and makes meaningless living a life!. Change your course if you wish, your future is what you make it by your own choices, your own decisions!.
If you believe in fate, etc!.!.!.then yes, any decision you make is predestined to be made, and therefor, you change nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the fate will lead you by your own fate!.!.!. your free will will make the difference!.!.!. you create your own fate, your destiny!.!.!. that is our fate!.!.!.!. have faith!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i see what u mean, but i dont believe in fate, i think u control ur own future, that could possibly be deja vu when ur normal fate and the new one u created overlap, but u kno thats a diff question, and if its pre-determined i doubt u could change it, hope i helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

You could only really change your fate if you already know what it is!. Otherwise, any descisions you make could or could not be your fate, because you don't know what your fate is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it is predetermined then it would be impossible to change it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You haven't chosen to born a male or female, tall or short,white or black,or the time,and place and family you born in to!.and you haven,t made(created) any thing related directly or indirect with you!.so only thing you have is a choice(yes or no)!.nothing more!.if you can't make(create) anything,even if you make a choice you can not create the result of your choice,so you are changing nothing!.so that means someone who has control on everything is making our choices to be or not to be!.
think of your life as a script,but you make the choices in the confines of that scriptWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that fate can be changed, but not by the perspn whose fate is being changed!. I think it's up to the people around us to change our fate!. We are powerless in terms of our own fate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com