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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are there any invididuals whom sincerely promote search of intelligence, wisdom

Question: Are there any invididuals whom sincerely promote search of intelligence, wisdom and free thought!?
want to experience everything!. I would like to play and touch the instruments of Mozart, Bach, Beethoven and their sheet music!.!.!. I would like to go to: the Italian &, German Opera to the Louvre, Pyramids in Africa/ Mexico, Druid ruins in England, the Palledium and Collesium in Italy and Greece!. I want to look at the statues of "old gods, and godesses" and statues of old rulers!. I would like to trace the path of Alexander, Mark Anthony, Caesar, Hannibal and others!. I want to swim with the dolphins, sharks, and climb the highest peaks and mountains, to see the volcanoes and fly a plane, and touch the bottom of the oceans!.!. I want to read the oldest books in their original texts and language!. I want to compose opera and other music on the instruments of the "masters" I want to use the brushes and easels of those like Michangelo!. I want to make statues and artwork with the clays of the world in the oldest of places!. I would like to gather the seeds, plants and animals from the world and make a Eden!. I'd like to take the olives from Italy, the dates from Africa, the tomatoes from Mexico etc!.!.!. I'd like to go to the observatories/museums of the world, to sing opera!.!.!. I would like to go to Spain and learn the flamenca/play the spanish guitar!.!.!. to go to Orient and make the most beautiful fabrics!.!.!. To breed Arabians and Elephants!. I want to see the oldest of the old, oldest, churches, synagogues, mosques and the places of the dead!.!.!. to collect the thoughts and memories and knowledge of those long ago!.!.!. I want to taste/cook the dishes of the world!. I want to bake: baquettes, bagels, fry bread, challa!.!.!.!. I want to go to the jungles, rain forest and the deserts and study all of the animals, plants etc!.!.!. I long to learn of everything, not just via transcending, but also by physical touch!. I want to travel to all the planets, galaxys and universes!. I have always wanted to be Creator or "reawaken" the Creator I, and the thirst of knowledge, and experience has always been a fire in me!.!.!. to travel wherever in the world and just study, learn and make it better!.!.!. I see myself living forever!. I want to learn to play all the instruments of the world, and learn all the languages!.!.!. and recipes and arts!.!.!. and improve on them all!.!.!. It would be so cool to be able to spend 6 months or a year in a country and study all that I desire to learn and go to the next!. Becoming a walking library, a vessel of knowledge, experience and senses!.!.!. to be a "arc" of Creation and creativity!.!.!.!. To be able to grow organic gardens in the various countries and growing and utilizing the best of the veggies and fruits and making all the dishes!.!.!. to use the clays of the countries and making the utensils on which the meals to be eaten!.!.!. to use and learn how to make the fabrics of the countries and make a wardrobe!.!.!. and to learn the language and sing and compose with instruments I made and will play on and sing with!.!.!. To write poety and a book or two in that language!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Take me with you!. I have been on this quest of yours for decades!. I am a poor mans Renaissance man!. I worked in many different fields from construction to medical!. I have traveled all over the US watch more cable specials from a-z and done as many of the things on my list as I could/can in whatever form I can!. I flew a plane, hung over the edge of the Grand Canyon!. (Not to mention the needle in Toronto!.) I have barely scratched the surface and always want more, more and more!. That's a lot of words just to say me too! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. We are called Alchemists!.


Yes there are many!.

Magick for one example - http://www!.oto!.org/

Eupraxophy - secular humanists

Transhuminism - science and future technology to advance humans into super human beings!. (caution advised on this belief)Www@QuestionHome@Com

your grammar (who vs!. whom), spelling, and punctuation have murdered the fine sentiments you are trying to express!.Www@QuestionHome@Com