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Position:Home>Philosophy> To you, what is your idea of an exciting and great life?

Question: To you, what is your idea of an exciting and great life!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A lot of travel! Good contributions to society in what you are talented in!. Meaningful relationships with a few (or many) close people!. A very active imagination!. A library full of books!. Always learning-anything and everything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My idea of an exciting and great life is working for myself in the design/art world!. Traveling and meeting people of different cultures!. Helping those in need, holding charity events!. Married to "mr!. right" or whatever!. Some kids!. Raise them to be respectable people of society and to be non judgemental!. Continue playing piano/violin!. Open a children's museum!.
I dunno, but that's what I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Travelling the world!.
I aspire to be a national geographic photographer, allowing me to travel the world, meet new people and explore places unknown to man!. I will discover the secrets of the world, creating art!. To me, art is life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com