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Position:Home>Philosophy> How would you feel in that situation?

Question: How would you feel in that situation!?
How would you feel if!?
There was this girl who used to hang around your group of friends and you all got along fairly well!. All of a sudden, she stops hanging out and only hangs with her other friends you knew she usually hangs with!. She doesn't try to befriend new people either!. She only stays with her group of friends!. How would you feel about that!? How would you view her!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would let her get on with it!. It's her life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Something must have triggered this-she may feel uncomfortable with someone in your group!. Maybe she is insecure and feels better about herself with the other group of people!. I wouldn't take it personal but try to talk to her about it without the other people around!. Or even through email if it is a concern for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just another drama queen trying to yank your chain!.

Let me guess: she's about 16, right!? Physically getting mature but with the emotional maturity of a treestump!?

Pretty typical!.

Ignore her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will be heart broken!. I will try to tell her in the most comfotable way I can tell her and maybe that will knock sense into her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most people hang out with people who are like themselves and who they are comfortable with!.

Sometimes it is hard to get to know new people!.

Try to be nice to her!. Hopefully she will respond!. If not, just keep being yourself around her!. She may be having peer pressure or maybe she is just more comfortable in a little group!.

I wouldn't think bad about her unless she is deliberately trying to hurt other people!.

I started hanging out with a new group in middle school because my old group of friends started smoking and stuff and i wasn't comfortable anymore!. They got mad and started bad rumors about me!. I guess they were not really my friends after all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People pick people who are a reflection of themselves!. Even if a person seems opposite of their friends energetically the people are a match!. So these person just feels more in harmony with those people!.!.!.I had this happen when I was in 9th grade & the girl I was friends with stopped hanging out with me!. I was not allowed to just go everywhere I wanted!. She left the neighborhood & was more with the "IN" crowd!. She was very mean & wrote me a nasty letter & had her brother deliver it to me!. I was so hurt from this!. Years later I saw her father & he was nice to me & I asked how she (his daughter) was & he said she was in jail!. He thought I knew all about her!. I didn't want to pry!. Years later I found out she was a herion addict!. So I was able to forgive her & was thankful I didn't follow her!. So I trust people are where ever they are supposed to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com