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Position:Home>Philosophy> It rlaley is qitue rmakrelbae taht the hmaun biran?

Question: It rlaley is qitue rmakrelbae taht the hmaun biran!?
is albe to dceefir wdros eislay alsnog as the frsit and lsat two ltertes are in the rghit pacle!. Do you tinhk tihs has any ipmlcionitas radnerig our ailbtiy to be oejvcbtive!?

Are we so geared toward recognition that we could never truly be objective!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, this college study was quite impressive!. However, it isn't really true!. If you do this to more common words, and less complex words, it is applicable, but not in the general sense as to which you are trying to prove!. For example:

Any pxodaarail aeemvsindt conant pisoslby be rzcegiond as stohemnig ctgnoianig any viiiiremsldute!.!.!.!.

Or some single words!.!.!.!.!.





I can bet some got them easily, some might have gotten them, but it took a while, and some probably didn't get them at all!.

Objectivity in philosophy states that it adheres to a universal reality with disregard to human emotion!. It holds true everywhere!.It also means that objectivity can be attained by means of inductive or deductive reasoning!. Or even methods of observation!. In that sense, how can we not truly be objective when our minds simply use forms of reasoning to establish the objective in a seemingly mess of random letters!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

you my friend must be yllaer derobWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yaeh, ti savse a olt of tmie havgni to rteype things!. I nuderstadn even if the first and lats eltters aren't the right way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"as long" is not one word and idk what those last couple words are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ho!.!.!.!.!.ym dog! ouy rea os wdrie!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good shot! I was inclined to think that a simian had access to a keyboard, but a second reading, and your second question resolved this impression!.
Are you a psych major!? You are creative enough to frame a mundane question in a form that engages the responder- the first necessity for a successful art form!. :-0
A: Objectivity, it seems, requires a high tolerance for novelty and creative expression!. Recognition becomes easier with familiarity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually if you actually THINK and apply your mind those words can be as confusing as no language at all!. I tried it and by sounding out the word and reading it as it was I read and saw it as it was, of course I was also able to read it as it was intentioned to be!.

The difference is the ability to think and avoid habits and normal function!.

However once I sounded them out I did realize even jumbled up as they were it some of the words sounded much like the common way they are spelled!. Hmaun and Human sound close enough when spoken with the correct pronounciations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so, but like so many other things it depends on who you ask the question to which answer you get!. Some people are objective others are not!. Some times I can read something as I think it should be written instead of how it actually is written!.There are times of clarity when the kids have stopped screaming but the rest of the time life is just a muddle !.Www@QuestionHome@Com