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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is eternal life a blessing or a curse ?

Question: Is eternal life a blessing or a curse !?
some religions (not all) say if you are good you will live eternally in a heaven!.!.!.essentially this is our reward for living a good life but in actual fact this theory scares me rather than excites me because surely there will come a time when we will get bored for want of a better word!. And then surely when we have had enough of life in an endless heaven and would want to leave it all behind!. I know I haven't worded this right but I guess what I am trying to say is who would REALLY want to live forever and wouldn't living forever almost be like a curse !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To me your question is like asking whether the glass is half-empty or half-full!.

I wonder how you know that you will be bored!? What if heaven may be something so extremely different from what is our human reality, this material existance, that it may be impossible to be bored!.
Yo may be given different options than here - If you actually make it to an eternal heaven, who's to say that you might be given a demi-godlike position and get to manage worlds of your own in your little corner of heaven!? Maybe our god is just some kid in heaven and we are one of her science experiments !.!.!.

In Buddhism there is something called enlightenment where one is supposed to attain understanding and non-attachment!.
If that is true then when someone is enlightened they will no longer be afraid, there will be no misunderstanding, no ignorance, and therefore no suffering!.

Suffering, according to Buddhism is a perspective!. For instance, some people like pain, enjoy it such as competitive athletes who often say things like "Pain don't hurt"!. But if you don't like it then you are suffering!.

Another example is vinegar!. If you like vinegar on your salad or like to eat pickles then it tastes good, but if you are drinking wine and think it tastes like vinegar you may not like it!. Even though the vinegar tastes the same your perspective on vinegar may change and your level of suffering will correspond!.

I like what Buddha said about the life hereafter and basically it was that he didn't care because he wasnt' there yet and couldn't know but believed he would do fine there, meanwhile there was more pressing things to manage now!. Buddhism teaches that "now" is all that really exists and even if everything ends, a "now" will continue, regardless!. Since there is nothing we can do about controlling eternity, it is a useless waste of time to worry on things you can't control!.

I think the idea of eternity is more attractive than just dying because not doing anything would get much more boring after awhile than "being" for an eternity!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

eternal life is is a blessing!. life is god's gift to us!. and when we achieve peace life is even more of a blessingWww@QuestionHome@Com

it depends on where the eternal life is if its eternal life on earth that could seriously turn into a curse, eternal life in heaven would be a blessing, but i doubt it would be the kind of life we would expect it to be

these are the kind of questions that freak me out but I have a strong feeling that eternal life would be ever changing and it wont be the same things over and over (becuase that would be a curse! : ( )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Immortality as a Free Spirit travelling in Time is the only way to live!. Being immortal whilst frozen or held and imprisoned is ones worst nightmare realised!.

Caught somewhere between life and death, existence and non existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i could think of nothing more boring
thn being stuck
a set of pearly gates

with a bunch of hypocrites
and rightous
brain dead

a lot of
in the devine
are wonderful people

on the whole
i think
i would rather
just dieWww@QuestionHome@Com

i will take it as it comesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well,that depends on the location you live eternity in!.For example,if I was immortal but dumped here on Earth I can honestly say that I would go mad eventually,with everyone around me dying and my memories stretched and confused,and seeing the corruption of man forever!.Or if I was immortal in Hell for example!.!.!.!.do I need to explain this point!?But,if I had immortal life in someplace eternally peaceful like Heaven with other eternally extended people,then it would be a blessing!.So,weirdly,it is both a blessing and a curse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's simple!.!.!. just divide your concept

In religous ways, an eternal life mean eternal happiness!. All is equal, no more war, all everything is peace and everyday joy would always sprout!.

In scientific way, and eternal life would be scary due to the fact that eternal life is different from eternal youth, and living forever without satisfying the desire for need would really suck (sorry for my language)!.

All i'm saying it's all base on what do you believe, science or God!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a blessing!. We have temporal minds now and can't think outside of space and time, so eternal life is foreign and can seem like a curse!. Like a 3 year old thinking about leaving the house every day to go to school!. Expanded awareness has to come with eternal life !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with "that kid" eternal life on earth would be a punishment, but not in heaven!. i don't think life in heaven will be like life on earth!. i don't think we would have the same needs (if any) or the same wants or the same feelings!. boredom might not even exist!. maybe u get whtever u want so if u choose 2 die (end ur existence) maybe u could!.

Do you believe in life before birth!? Pretty ridiculous, right!? Then why would you believe in live after death!. What do you think you are going to do or where do you think you are going!? Do you think you are going to be set up in some sort of condo, watching CSI and reruns of Seinfeld for all eternity!? Do you think you are going to be floating around visiting other planets in the universe watching aliens do the horizontal hop!?
I can't believe such an absurd idea has gotten so much attention!. It's just the human ego not being able to accept the fact that we are nothing more than another fungus growing on one of trillions of planets in the universe!. We just aren't that special!. If all humans suddenly disappeared off the world, this old planet would just keep chugging along and wouldn't even notice us missing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

interplanetary travel, dimensional transitions, the learned history of the universe, fellowship with countless people of interest!.!.!.!.

there will be work and art too, and chances for us to rule!.!.!.

being bored will never cross our minds!

this world doesnt even compare to the beauty of the nextWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't want eternal life to be lugging around a harp and wearing wings and halo, but if I could spend eternity with the peace I've discovered (without my father harassing me!.!.!.I love him dearly, but he could shut up once in a while) and writing out my stories and hanging out with friends and listening to music and doing what I enjoy, well, who could deny that!. As long as there's always something new to learn and discover boredom wouldn't set in--and I imagine that, even on Earth, it would take ages to discover everything here!. Honestly, I haven't been bored since I was a child!. There's something to be said for knowing how to entertain yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I don't know actually!.!.!. I know that if I'll live too long, I'll the death of my friends, the people I love etc!.!.!.!. I don't want to see it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh dear, I am sick tired of one life time, just imagin eternityWww@QuestionHome@Com

If a god could exist he would have a little red button in his back pocket that he could push and send him out of existenceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Don't worry !.!.!. when you get there, you will know that everything will become, forever, Vitally alive to you!.
You are meant to feel this way about this life at times - not always, but periodically!.
You are meant to realize that Satan, through the serpent, has delivered to us all a life of ups and downs - of despair and gladness, of assurance and also feelings of hopelessness!
For that is his way - to confuse and deceive - to hand out a candy bar, but disguise the stick that holds it from you!.

It is meant to be this way so that we will all be just so pleased and grateful for the blessing of eternity !.!.!. and of the personal presence of God - when we have all been purged!.

He said of Heaven in Holy scripture:

"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath ever entered into the heart of man, so great a things which God hath in store for them that love Him and keep His commandments!."

I think that says it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eternal life is an illusion created by people who are in a state of denial because they are afraid of death!.

Reincarnation make more sense because it is like recycling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wait and find out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you can imagine a life without boredom or judgements on time, then you can begin to conceptualize eternity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no matter what eternal life will be a blessing!. i can't speak for every religion, only christianity!. On that note think about this:

People get to heaven, and that is a blessing because they earned it!.

People go to hell because they chose to make themselves their own gods, so when they die God separates himself from them, leaving them to what they desired: them being their own god!. That is hell, and a blessing at the same time because what is desired is gained!.

I promise you that no matter what kind of eternal life you get it will not be boring!. Youre thinking by mortal means by putting mortal labels on something that your mind is not even supposed to be able to comprehend right now!.

My advice to you is to just wait and see, because no matter what youre going to have to have one type of eternal life!. Dont think about it though and concentrate on the now, make sure you go to heaven and not hell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com