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Question: Humans Annihilation!?
What do u people think will eventually lead to the humans extiction from this world!?
Please state reason why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There could be any number of reasons for the future extinction for humans, like past reason for other extinction, a meteor strike and other cataclysmic events, climatic changes, which could break up the chain of command / food chain, etc, etc, etc, But more and like, it will have something to do with us, ourselves with war+genocide, all kinds of new untreatable diseases, poising the air one way or another,killing the Atmosphere, making certain animals extinct with over haunting, breaking down the food chain, or causing global warming / and speeding up climate change, even faster, making ice caps to melt which in turn will flood most of world!. Any how history has taught us that nothing / no species last forever!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A meteor or comet!. It has wiped Earth clean before, it will do it again!. Unless of course, we screw it up for ourselves sometime before that like with drastic climate change or something silly like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Despite the minute evidence contrary, I feel humans are too smart to be wiped from the face of the planet!. Unless some group tries to Kamikaze us all off of it, we'll survive!. Technology booming as fast as it is - We're already moving into space as we speak!. We'll live long after the earth and this solar system has been destroyed in 5 billion years when the sun goes!. For me, that's so far away - I can barely fathom!. Good news for me! I'll enjoy this place while I'm here, after that let things happen as they will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only one thing, as of now, will destroy the human specie and that is the complete disintegration of the planet Earth!. Whatever else occurs, man will live on, even if it is in a much reduced capacity!. From all extinctions, some remnant remains to carry on!. Life, once formed, will not be denied!. If the conditions of life are met, it must exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Global warming!. I think we will turn our planet into a Venus, and pollute so bad that people will die from lung diseases!. Since the temperature will be higher, food sources will lessen, and we will fight each other to the death over resources!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a nuclear world war
its not that far from reality,
it was even probable during cold war and now as technology advances it gets worse and worse,Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll likely get a thumbs down, but I must remain true to my convictions!. I believe that life as we know it on Earth will end when life's Creator deems it time!. In my personal Christian view, I believe that Christ will return, that the Earth will be consumed by fire, and an eternal judgment for all who have lived will take place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com