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Position:Home>Philosophy> If we all live in a dream, do you prefer to wake up or keep sleeping?

Question: If we all live in a dream, do you prefer to wake up or keep sleeping!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
wake-up, just to see what will happen I'm too curious!. I think I understand what you mean though if this world is merely a dream, but what if when we die we do wake up! Or what if we alrwady have waken up and this is what we have woken up to!.!.!. interesting questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wake-up my life is just okWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wake up and see if its better than here!. Because this life is no "sweet dream!."Www@QuestionHome@Com


I guess the question would then become "Can you have a dream inside a dream!?" Because if this now is a dream, how can we have other dreams!?
I like being 'asleep' just fine, but who knows!? If this really is a dream, the real world could be Hell!. But I doubt we're living in a dream!. Histories, personalities, and human relations all intertwine and stuff!. The only way this life could be a dream is if in the real world, someone is clever enough to tie everyone's minds together in a ridiculously complex way!.
But to answer bluntly, I'd prefer to wake, because if I didn't like it, who's to say I can't go back asleep!? :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Really there is nothing keeping us from waking up but our desire to continue to sleep!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a hard question to answer!.

We all have the good things in our life, and we all have the bad things in your life!. If I chose to wake up from this dream, I could end up worse then what I started with!. That, and anyone you love could end up being a dream and not part of the real world when you wake up!.

I guess the answer is all a matter of opinion!.

Would you, yourself choose to wake up!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would prefer to keep sleeping!. Because if our life IS a dream, then if we wake up from that dream then our life would be over!. I think if that if our life were a dream, then by waking up would end our dream, threrefor ending our life!. Thats like saying do you want to live or die!. once you die you are out of the world!. and in this case once you wake up your out of the dream(life!.)

Hope i helped!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be awake!. My dream world is to crazy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wake up!. i want to know the truthWww@QuestionHome@Com

wake up, then go back to sleep in different interludes so i can experience what i want to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com