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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the end goal of evolution?

Question: What is the end goal of evolution!?
Some people argue that the meaning of life in the rawest sense is evolution!. So consequently one must ponder "when do evolution achieve its goal"!?

We grow, grow and grow more!. We expand, we navigate to outerspace!. In 300,000 year maybe we evolve into an electric form of existence with intelligence!. It is amazing!. But then what!? When do this sort of computer program end its goal!? Did the programer wrote an ever-looping program that can only be halted by ESC key!? Brilliant question gets 10 points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
*** FLASH of A LIGHTNING (am I the winner !?)

your question is THE real question of Philosophy, and the ONE that deserves 10 points is YOU, suggesting somebody press ESC key : compliments !

you know, THIS is the questions I'm going around every night ; indeed I suppose the PROGRAMMER is trying to solve something HE has not so clear in mind, otherwise HE wouldn't need all this fuss

>>> for YAOI

I disagree, it's time to declare another step of human Evolution:


for the first time MOST of Humanity (not only solitary Scholars) has clear in mind the absurdity of believing that ordinary everyday life is the sole reality ; and MANY MANY, like you and me, believe that the OTHER reality is prevalent and worth investigating

>>> dear PRAETOR

on the contrary, what is EVIDENT is that the BEINGS (humans and al!.) go a direction other than "close to perfection"

a PERFECT Being is one that needs NOTHING ; the more WE evolve, the more we need, the more we are frail and exposed to dangers (think of StarTrek ; who wants to live like them, always in anxiety, always fighting to survive !?!?!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

exactly!. thats the flaw!. what is behind evolution!. what will made the cells mutate, and if evolution is not intelligent, why would it try to achieve a goal!. if it isnt intelligent, then it would keep going, thus meaning that there is no end to getting better, no matter what, even if you become non physical beings that know everything, which makes no sense, because evolution can only change cells, so the highest we could go would be the best a physical being could be, meaning there is an end to evolution, meaning that there is a goal to be achieved because the evolution has stopped!. therefore it is intelligent!. and what of that!? i think you know where this is going!. i dont believe in evolution, im just saying, there is nothing in this universe, including theories brought forth from the great mind of man, that cannot be intelligent, because there is and never will be the absence of intelligence!. there is no dark space near the sun!. its not possible, and neither is the absence of intelligence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Over the past 2!.6 million years, there has been no ultimate goal, and there will not be one!.

It is an ongoing process, the only goal of which is the survival of the species!. Whatever the environment and men's needs are in the future will determine what the next evolution will be!.

The last evolution was Epistemic Psychology, not a physical evolution!. It happened before or during the pre-Socratic era, when the Greeks invented philosophy!. At that point we became the species we presently are, Homo sapiens sapiens (conscious of consciousness!.) Before that, we were merely Homo sapiens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

evolution will never end, beings affected by it will evolve and evolve some more into superior beings that are close to perfection!.!.!.its just like a computer, you make now a computer but then a idea pops up and you improve it to make it better, the same thing applies to evolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im thinking the end goal is death!.!.!. ya sounds crazy, but think about!.!. we evolve to make things easier, to help us survive!.!. once we've come to the point to where we don't have to do anything to survive whats left other than death!?

thats possibly why we have many species!.!. to bring on competition to keep the evolution process going

i have a feeling that as long as we have competition we will keep evolving trying to out do the others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evolution has no end goal!. Evolution is the name given to the changing requirements of life for survival on earth!. Evolution is the logic of life, in that if something can exist under the current natural circumstances it will just do so, and when the requirements for sustaining it's life change they either cause life to go in a new direction or makes it extinct!. Again, evolution has no end goal!.

We exist for the sake of existing, we love to exist, if we didn't love existing we would die off! All of this, (the love of existing) I think has been hard wired into our brains just like survival mechanisms have into our bodies, through billions of years of evolution!. Just like our bodies have developed survival mechanisms through evolution, I think the human mind has also developed mechanisms that encourage survival in an existence that is obviously without an ultimate goal or purpose!. That is why the human race will always strive to exist and will always find new ways keep existing there will never be a moment of "then what do we do!?" What do we do!? We party!. After all, who wants to not exist, when you CAN exist even if without purpose!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evolution is a random process!. Life has no goals other than to fill all the ecological niches in our planetary environment and to keep on reproducing itself!.

The dinosaurs fell into extinction after a planetesimal about two miles in diameter landed in the Caribbean sea!. This gave the mammals a chance to fill in the ecological niches left when the dinosaurs died!. (One example would be the dolphins, which filled the ecological niche left by the ichthyosaurs!.)

And there is no guarantee at all that if the dinosaurs had survived that they would have eventually produced an intelligent species!.

It is possible (perhaps even probable) that we ourselves are doomed to extinction because of global warming!. If we should all die off, life would continue to evolve, but we would not be part of the process, and there is no guarantee at all that our planet would produce yet another intelligent species!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com