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Question: Feeling attractive!?
I have been told I am very attractive, but I dont feel like I am!. Most of my problem, I believe is that I value to much on what others think of me!. Alot of the people I know think I am attractive, but just one or two people saying I am not can affect me more then the rest saying I am!. I am not very confident and I look down upon myself!. I believe part of this is because my parents expect me to be everything my brothers are!. Anyways, I need some help!. How do I feel more attractive, more confident in myself, and not care what others think of me as much!? Thanks to anyone willing to take time to help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
psychologists say that often the more attractive people have low self opinions of their appearance!. let me venture a guess: you are a perfectionist!.!.!.!?

walk with your head high!. don't concern yourself with your own perceived shortcomings!. know that you are the best you that you can be!. you don't have to meet anybody else's standards!. as long as you don't criticize yourself, you will find that your standards will do just fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My advice to you is to stop asking everyone if they think you're attractive!. That way you can't be dissapointed unless somebody is assy enough to walk up to you and tell you that you're unattractive!. I'm sure nobody's doing that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The funny thing is about Self Confidence and Self Esteem is the gross difference between the coping methods!. Self Confidence is ability in your own actions to do something - which is very well based on merit!. For example you do something wrong and you'll think that you can't do much right, easily solved by practice and getting a few successes under your belt!. But the issue is with Self Esteem!. Self Esteem is completely belief orientated because Self Esteem is belief in your innate value as a human being - which is by natural law completely equal to each and every other person, and this cannot be changed except by realizing that you're no different than any other human!. You're human, they're human, and thus you're all equal in your value as human beings with rights!. It's hard to really FEEL this if you've believed the other way so long, but the more you notice yourself FEELING important the more you will actually start to believe it and after a while you will laugh at how much of a difficultly you had with it that while ago when it used to be an issue!.

We're all human, all of our values are equal, and thus when feeling different than this natural scientific fact repeat it to yourself and get others to agree with you on it - ask them and have them give you your opinion most all rational people will agree!. And when they agree - somehow you'll feel it times 100!. People's beliefs seem to have a profound effect on what we believe if we're conducive to it, which you seem to very well be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

er, if you REALLY did care what others thought of you, you are being told you ARE attractive, so this would not be a problem!. um, ignore your parents, or move out when you are of age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Make a list of things you like about yourself!. When you feel insecure, read over it again!. (I would stress internal things rather than physical traits, personally!.) Remind yourself that, whatever your parents' expectations are, you are not your brothers, and you're doing yourself a disservice if you try to be!. The fact that you're self-aware enough to recognize what's going on says a lot; that's impressive in and of itself!. There's something to be said for introspection!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the facts are simple!. you are who you are!. you cant change that!. so why waste time even worrying about things you have no control over!. you cant change how you were born any more than you can change the color of the sky!. so worry about things like how smart you are, or how nice you are!. gain true substance in your life and you'll realize how trivial looks really are!. the more attractive your soul is the more attractive you'll be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i pretty much have the same problem like you!.
it's true that one thing said bad about me is taken more to heart than the gud things!!
i think thats gud and has made me whom i am today!.
it also shows that u want to become a better person, it's not wrong or a reason to feel down!. most people have an attitude that says "u can say all u can but i'm not gonna change"
that's carzy!.
u're willing to change THATS awesome, it's shown by the fact that u take to heart the bad stuff!.
keep doing it!. i mean everytime my sis's tell me sarcastically something bad abut me , i work like crazy to stop them from saying it again!. it hurts yeah, but i love it!.
i wonder how old u are!?!? this ability to learn from ur mistakes will really help u in ur career, believe me!.

there was a time when i was like u , hating myself even though people said that i was "attractive and fun", it was a crazy time of my life!.
i really don't know how or when i came out of it, i began to love myself i think because i did everything to take away from me what i hated about myself!.
recently i went through a most terrible trime of my life, but after it was over i fell in,ove with myself and decided i wanted to be a winner!.
if u can't get rid of it!.!.love it!! i've begin to love my flaws that i can't do anything about and i make sure they won't hamper my path!. u need wisdom to know such flaws, trust me u'll get!.

i really don't know how'll u get outta ur situation, i know it hurts like crazy!. But i believe eveyone has a success story, a diffrent one!.
i hope just letting u know that someone else is a winner over this period will let u look at the silver lining,
such times will come again i know, but one experience is better than none!.
Ive never been compared to in my family, i was the sibling idol, but i have been compared to other kids my age, and very very !.!.!.well u know how parents can do it!.

look, ur parents love you and are way wiser than u are!.
take ur own way of life ,don't let their words bother u, they know much better than u that only fire produces gold, they don't want u to fall into slovenliness!.
keep up ur positive attitude and watch them believe in u!.
every body hates themselves at somepoint of their life, some forever!. we can be very harsh on us!.
have faith, things will get better as they did for me!!

Sometimes what you do makes you feel more attractive!. Like if you volunteer a lot, or if you work hard at something!. If you dress up more too, that tends to make me feel more confident!.

Gosh I hate it when people tell people that they're not pretty!. They are the ones that aren't pretty! Why I oughta!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com