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Position:Home>Philosophy> I know the world is unjust but, come on!?

Question: I know the world is unjust but, come on!!?
How come a question of mine making fun of people who put their pictures up here and ask "Am I attractive!?" gets deleted, but some 13yr old boy asking if his *ding dong* is the average size gets to stay!?!!!!! Is the World so devoid of justice!?

(Yes, this is pathetic but I'm still upset!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes! The world is run by people like that!. The same people who think abortion is ok, but by gosh, let's save our trees!!! The same people who want God out of the Pledge of Allegience, but blame the president for the state of the country!.
Makes no sense!.
That's why my eyes are on the Lord, and my future in Heaven!
By the way, I agree with your first question!. It is a little silly!. Everyone has their own idea of what is attractive, so why ask!? It's like art!. Everyone has their own tastes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People do not like to hear the truth!.!. What was your question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol!. i dont blame you!. i said on polls and surveys that i was about to eat an entire case of bubbletape gum and wanted to know who was joining!. and i asked which flavor they wanted!. i was deleted for "chatting!." goes to show how immature people on here are, and how stupid answers is for deleting our questions!. but im over it =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Boys and their dinky-donks eh!? Yeah I can understand your frustration at the obvious slant towards the genders, and I agree with you about this display of genitals, it's obscene!
I don't understand why anyone would delete a girls question on her appearance, that seems quite petty to me!. I mean this is an answer program we have here and all the girl wants are some motivational answers!. But dinky-donks!?
Hell !.!.!. that's bordering on pornography!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea, I have to wonder about that myself!. I typed a word one time in response to a very nasty question and used the word that rhymes with revert, referring to a not-so-nice guy, and my answer was not allowed!. The question itself, which was horrendously ugly, was not deleted, but my response was!. Unbelievable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

aw it sucks!.!. what did you do to make fun of the people!?!? fake pic or something!.!. that is a bit harsh if people are genuinly insecure and need some little lifts!.!.

and a 13 year old asking about his *dingdong* thats natural he needs somewhere to go to talk about these sort of things and these forums are perfect for that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow!.!.!.I can not belive this! You had ever right to post your question, but asking if your *cough* is the right size is down right unfair and inappropriate!

p!.s!. thank you for bringing that to the attention of people who know the difference between thought-provoking ideas and down right dirty!Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont knock the importance of weiner based questionsWww@QuestionHome@Com