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Position:Home>Philosophy> FAITH is not a solution ??? Do we really have to end this way ?

Question: FAITH is not a solution !?!?!? Do we really have to end this way !?
Just interested in this universal idea that we will destroy ourselfves and ruin earth!. Can we make a new positive stance before its to late!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well , it's a very good question!. but it requires a detailed explanation and examples!. But I'll try to simplify it!.
This universal idea is generated from the conditions of life of nowadays: wars , people killing each others, bombs and weapons of mass destruction, politics and power, etc!.
ON the other hand , there's religion!. unfortunately people misuse the core of religion and thus contribute to the list mentioned before!.
Atheist people claim that religion is not the solution! Some say there is no meaning to life and that they have to live this life and it's one life!. However, most of them do not take life seriously and because they believe in no "rules","values" they contribute in turning life into chaos!.
I think our societies , our world is unfortunately turning to be nightmarish and hard to live it in peace!. But, there is still hope!.!.!.there is still faith that , because There IS a meaning of life, this situation may change!.
The new positive stance can be possible if people get through their differences and stand together armed with their "thoughts" and "values"!. Tolerance is a the major key!.
We need our "youth people" , to work at making this world a better place to live in!.
No we don't have to end this way!.!.there is still hope!.!.I hope so!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I HOPE so!!!! I'm on it!. Are you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

be reminded that not all people think that way!.!.!.
and yes i believe that we can make a new positive stance!.!.!. it'll come one way or the otherWww@QuestionHome@Com

Man has been on a self destruction path from the beginning!.!.!.there is nothing we can do to change the stars!.!.!.but we can clean up our on back yards!.!.!.our own neighborhoods!.!.!.states!.!.!.countries!.!.!.the!.!.!. who knows the possibilities!.!.!.!.but it begins at home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It will not be late and even if its late what we are going to loose!? Life will go as its supposed to go and nature is least concerne with our fears and concerns!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfortunately, faith tends to get misconstrued because of a wildly popular description in the New Testament: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen!." (Hebrews 11:1)

I don't think the author was defining faith but describing its potential value in life!. When taken as a definition, it doesn't jibe with the rest of the many references to faith in the Bible!. All too often, people regard it as the capacity for holding on to opinions regardless of the evidence against them!. I would suggest that faith of that sort is faith in oneself, in one's capacity to be Right, rather than faith in God!. And I certainly agree that THAT sort of faith is likely to destroy a great deal; indeed, I consider it a likely attribute of the Antichrist!.

Faith as used in the Bible seems to me to be almost the medieval meaning of the term: steadfast commitment to a relationship!. It's not belief that a bunch of assertions are true; it's belief that, whatever the truth may turn out to be, someone else will stick by us and so we intend to stick by them!. Faith isn't about believing THAT thus-and-so; it's about believing IN someone!. And it is measured by remaining faithful TO them!.

Now, this definition applies to much more than religion!. Marriage is an obvious case!. Employment and political loyalties is another, and is pretty close to the nature of feudal relationships in which faith was the basis of the bond!. (I DID say it was medieval!.)

I submit that faith, in the sense in which I use it, is the most likely basis for any "new positive stance" that has any chance of success, because those who cannot keep faith will not stand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am stunned that so many young people actually believe we are going to destroy ourselves!.

The ice ages didn't do it; the explosion of Krakatoa didn't do it even tho it caused massive starvation the next year; the Huns didn't do it; the Mongols didn't do it; the Crusades didn't do it; the Black Plague didn't do it; influenza didn't do it; and we didn't do it with nukes during the Cold War!.

Why in heaven's name do you all think it is now going to happen!? That is very egotistical to think that after a history of 2!.6 million years, NOW we are going to be destroyed!. And it shows a lack of self-esteem in people who think they can't stop it if they really believe it!.

How silly you are going to feel when you are 110, which will be the new 75, and you are still jogging and raising dogs and taking vacations on Mars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Earth cannot be "ruined" When humans all die the Earth will repair itself!. However what are the chances of new humans coming to Earth!? The fact that we are here is question enough to not understand where we came from or even how we managed to evolve the way we did or how we were "created" whichever creation view you prefer to have versus evolution!.

We can ake a positive stance, the fact that Earth is not killing us relelentlessly now is reason enough!. If we were to change right now we wouldn't die, we would go in reverse from where we are!. However once we are gone or it is too late to stop then it will be impossible to go back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com