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Position:Home>Philosophy> IS FREE WILL just an illusion?

Question: IS FREE WILL just an illusion!?
Free Will!? what does it mean to you!? It seems like we have a choice but also everything is already predetermined!. It is sort of a CHICKEN and EGG thing!. I mean it is all ONE but yet there is TIME within!. As if there is TIME and there isnt!. O FORGET IT it is the same old silly argument again!. Like a BOOK that is WRITTEN yet when you READ it !. It seems to UNFOLD in TIME!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ABSOLUTELY! Free will is just an illusion!.

One can make choices for the small things in life, but when it comes to life-changing experiences, I believe it is all predestined!.

Otherwise, every person who ever wanted to be famous would have been, every dying person who didn't want to die wouldn't, and poor people would just become rich because they suddenly had a different mind-set!.


Ms!. Miche ; })Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are the only creature with free will!.


practically, yes!. Everything is an illusion for the simple reason that you have no control over whatever is happening!. Your example of the book already being written and we feel it is new as we read it says it all!. There are so many factors and people in and around us and the situations decide on what's happening!. The free will here is limited to the choices we get!. We don't get to do anything in the world, we just get to do one of the things available to us!.!.!.!. But again , you can be happy knowing this and be grateful that we at least get a choice, or fret about this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. It's a fact!. That's why society has mandated structures - law, morality, mores, etc!. If everything was predetermined, why have these societal structures in place!? No one would have to make choices then - whether good or bad if it's predetermined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as i bit of a marxist i would have to say no!. Today prehaps we have less free will than ever before we are totally repressed without really knowing it to the true extent!. Take the resisction of our human rights!. Look at the "big brother" culture!.!.!.!. gah it goes on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

freedom exists in the moment you are free, that is not an illusion, but freedom doesn't happen as often as we think we want it to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Free will to me means that I CAN HAVE A CHOICE,I can choose what it doesn't suppose to be!.My will decide everything!.(but my body is a part of nature but not within the control of my will,so I HAVE TO EAT AND DRINK!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

We can choose things freely within a range of limitations!. If we have both Wheaties and oatmeal in our kitchens, we can decide freely whether we will have one or the other for breakfast!.

But free will is highly limited, as shown by the case of mental illness!. Mentally ill people, for example, can not cure themselves by simply not wanting to be mentally ill!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com