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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is your god a "good" god?

Question: Is your god a "good" god!?
I don't believe, to tell you the truth!. Look at all the wrong that has happened and is happening!. Take genocide; both WWII and Darfur, you would expect a kind god would some how stop this quickly!. But it is left to us to stop it!. Some would say that he works through us!. But still, thousands of men, women, and children did not deserve to die, what ever the circumstances!.

And please!.!.!. explane your answer don't just say something like "there is only god and he is good" you sound like a brainwashed cult member!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well that's an interesting concept!. god is your higherself!. someone made this man up in the sky bull to keep you in check!. You know "if you are bad you are going to hell" or god is watching you!. your higherself is god!. People don't want you to know this but if you are in the philosophy field you know what i am talking about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My God is a good God indeed!. He is all loving and He loved me so much that when I deserved to death He send His son to redeem me!. Now as good as my God is there is a real adversary out there and he is bad bad bad and his mission is to kill steal and destroy and he does the things you say above with glee! My God on the other hand came so that I may have life and life more abundantly! Yes abundance is from Him and He is good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

To your question!.!.!.
God is someone you would believe on and trust on with!. It is based on the state of the believers belief, if the state is depression he might say God is evil!. but if he is wealthy and always full on the stomach he will say that God is good!. And it is also base on their belief!.

For me my God is good for everyday I eat 3 meals, and even if i feel a little bit cold I know that God is always good and would always be there for me!.

The things you said (genocide,WWII, darfur and etc!.) they are created by men, and God don't have the power to control human only lead them!. (God gave us free will)!.

And those men,woman and children who died, I agree with you that they don't deserve it but if it's God's will, it will be done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course god is good!.!.!.!.!.maybe we don't know!.!.!.or some people don't but He is doing all these things also for us!.!.!.!.!.!.!.for our own good!.!.!.!.!.If you really know Him!.!.!.You should know that he really has plans for all of us and all we need to do is follow and get along with it!.!.!.!.I hope you understand!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are many gods!. Who is to say that one god is better than another!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

In answer to ur question; i and we should hope so!.
(personally,i would prefer that he was a meek one,not just "good"!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

we always fall into our own TRAP, that is judging others!.

why judge god good or bad!.!?
is it more important to judge yourself!?

we can never stop a war with a war!.
SO WHY START IT NOW!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I fully agree with you!.!.!.!.if there were a god that being would well be able to make this existence a much more pleasurable one than it is!.

There is no need for suffering to exist to experience pleasures!.!.!.!.is it not possible to enjoy eating good food without having been starved!?!.!.!.is it not possible to enjoy music without having listened to the noise of bombs exploding/screams of torture!?!.!.!.is it not possible to share the joy of living found in very young children without having seen suffering in humanity!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the higher power(not sure weather to call him god) wants us to take care of our own problems and/or might base his decisions on luck!. another theory of mine is mr!.higher power changes like the wind sometimes he is there, other times he is not!. so i do not weather to call him good!. i do not think he is a fair god or a good one!. i am still trying to find the answer to this question!. these r just some theories that i have come up with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a God!.

He is good, He is merciful!.!. but He is also just and righteous!. He is a warrior defending the weak!.

But there is also Satan who plants seeds of hate and wrong in the hearts of men to get them to sin and to get them to fall away from God!.

That is where WWII and everything comes in!. Thats where free will comes in!. God gave humans, starting with Adam and Eve, free will to choose the right path, or to listen to Satan and to fall away from Grace!.

Satan is the evil one responsibile for all the misery and pain in the world!. He is the Lord of Rebellion, but one day he will fall!. And then will peace and love surround the Earth by the Grace of God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Apparently God is he only one who can get the religions to agree on God!. Judging by his efforts, he must stand in the corner!. How many more people will die because the religions can't agree on God!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes my God is a good god!. I think your examples of WW2 and Darfur go against your point!. Him giving us the ability to stop these things is what makes him good!.

I don't think it's up to you to decide who and who doesn't deserve to die, and im pretty sure that God is saddened when his own creations kill one another!.
You have to remember that we're all equal in the eyes of God!. Murderers are just as valuable to Him as the victims!. Yes that sucks for us because we hate murderers but thats the difference between us and Him!.!.!.He's God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe that there are two gods, the god of the old testament and the god of the new testament!. the god of the old testament is a more forcefull, powerful and vengeful god (more of judaism and islam) and the god of the new testament is that of the jesus (more the god of liberation theology)!. it is due to the conflicting views of the old testament and the new testament that i beleive that the two cna not be the same god and thus my logic takes me to assume that the jesus is a god it himself!. this god is the personal god and the transent god whereas the god of the old testament is more vengeful and mighty!. having two gods also allows the easy explaination of the problem of evil in the world as almost a conflict between the two gods!. as the will of a god must be fixed as they have to be unchanging and completely simple (i!.e!. outside space +time etc)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the traditional answers usually go like this:
A good God allows evil to allow a greater good that would not be possible without evil's existence

What is that greater good!?
Traditional answers are:

Free will (would you rather be a robot in paradise or have free will in a world that was less than paradise)

Character development: Development of character, love, benevolence, faith, etc!. is why we are really here!. Character is more important than pleasure or length of this life!. (And remember, theists believe that God can compensate people who suffer unjustly in this world with eternal paradise!.!.!.!.so someone why dies horribly and unjustly here can be more than compensated for the next ten billion years in paradise)

A freely entered relationship with Himself: The idea here is that evil is caused by free will, but the ultimate good isn't just free will, but the opportunity to have a freely entered relationship with the divine!. Otherwise, we could either be robotic slaves of God, but not 'friends' with a relationship with God!.

A regular universe with predictable laws!. Another answer simple says that evil must be allowed for the greater good of having a coherent universe with laws!. To prevent all evil, the laws of physics would have to stop working everytime someone attempted an evil action!.

Of course, the reason God allows evil doesn't just have to be contained to one reason!. He could allow evil for all of these reasons combined!. Anyway, there is a ton written by serious thinkers on this issue!. I suggest anything by Alvin Plantinga, John Hick, or Nick Wolterstorff for starters!. Or you could read the biblical book of Job!. Enjoy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

all of these extermination,genocides or massacres!.!.!.they have nothing to do with GOD!.God gave "free will" to all human being with the apple and they realized that they are no longer pure in terms of mentality!.We have a conscience to make better deeds or sin evil deeds!.It is the decision of human being to claim lives and God do not intervene with your personal desires!.In Arabic term it is called "cüzzi irade=human's own decisions in life" God of course knows what you are going to do but he never interrupt you, I think and also you have a destiny you have to live that ischose by God that is the "küllli irade" and you cannot change it whatever you do!.Mybe you gonna criticize me but ? dont have sympaty either for atheist or pious,religion,fanatics!.Thats just the way it is if you dont do anything to change the world for a better future ,you cant expect GOd make this on behalf of you!. So god is neutral I think we are responsible for our deeds!. If the rich shared,there'd be no Darfur!.God gave us our minds to use it correctly not to put it in a storage!!!! in conclusion god says if you use your mind corrcetly, you can reach my and mentality and reality!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The bible says you will be like gods so as liken to gods but in matter with limited knowledge of what I am in!. I know YHVH caused Subatomic particles because YHVH is not Subatomic particles to be comprehended!. The reach of your ignorance is the beginning of YHVH knowledge and understanding!. YHVH preserves life threw natural order and choice granted to you in this barred spiral galaxy that is part of the Local Group of galaxies, one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe, the Galaxy has special significance to me another’s like me!. The set apart people on earth those who master the will of energy are doing the will of YHVH!. It is what you do with the force of energy that determines if you are good and who controls the force of energy you received is good then you set apart an think how the architect of the force would have it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com