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Position:Home>Philosophy> How thin the line between being philosophical and being insane?

Question: How thin the line between being philosophical and being insane!?
By insane I mean what society tends to see as insane, not really a measure of one's intelligence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would go even further and say that all humans are 'insane' (or potentially insane) its just there are degrees of insanity and that some people hide it better than others!.

Some people are confident in their uniqueness and make no effort to hide it!.

There is a correlation between 'insanity' and high intelligence!. Many very intelligent people are pretty nutty (philosophers and megalomaniacs included), but being 'philisophical' is really a mode of thinking and not really a description of a person!.

'Insanity' has never been well defined mostly because it can't be!. In extreme cases its easy to see when someone is 'insane' but for the most part it just means being different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see the smilarity or connection!. Insanity is a legal term!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is not a thin line, they are two different things!. Nietzsche comes to mind, he was both!. Many cultures consider lunatics to be prophets!.

peace and loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

there is no line except the one you can put! It is your philosophy and no one has any right to say that it is insanity!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What thin line!? what makes you think there is any similarity!?
Thinking does not produce insanity nor does insanity produce thinking!.
They would seriously get in each others way!.
Where on earth did you get that idea!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Insanity is a legal term!. One may be insane and a highly intellectual being, an acute philosopher!.

Philosophy is simply a way to think about things!. Not all philosophers are insane!. Not all insane people are philosophers!.

Society should celebrate differences, not label those who see things differently as insane!.
"Insane" today was once persecuted as "witchcraft", and may one day become the norm- like women who knew how to swim in the 1600's, persecuted because society thought that only witches could!.

How society changes!.!.!.!.!.The notion of taking a small white capsule to relieve a headache or fever ( an asprin) in the early 1800's, would have been thought of as insane!. A century earlier, it would have been considered witchcraft!. Yet today we think nothing of it!. Indeed many lives have been saved because of this one small change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophy and insanity are oceans apart!. Philosophy uses logical analysis of ones own personal experiences and knowledge to better understand a question with an unknown or none existent answer!.

Insanity (depending on the case) may be anything illogical actions to a nonexistent problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

would you enjoy talking to a baboon!?
would you enjoy talking to colleague!?

see the line now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like having chaos inside you giving rise to a dancing star!?

I don't like definitions of insanity, and its hard to know what society sees as insane as they are so scared of mental difference - for me philosophical thinking is going far out in the same way that being mentally different is far out!.
Thinking outside the norm seems to equate with a mind that doesn't need shoring up with normality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

about 6 inchesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sanity is about how you relate to other people and your own emotions!. If your behavior is reasonably appropriate, it matters little what your opinion of the significance and meaning of it all is!. If you're trying to talk philosophy at the corner bar or with your wife, you're nuts and ought to be institutionalized!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your actions!.!.!.ppl judge through actions

are they much affected by your extreme views !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's measured as an RCH or a BCH!. That's how thin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com