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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that we are seeing the unending beginning of the scenario of Atlas

Question: Do you think that we are seeing the unending beginning of the scenario of Atlas Shrugged!?
I accidentally deleted this the first time!. Very sorry!.

AS describes the closed factories in Penn and Michigan!.
It describes the failure of the rail industry, which in today's world becomes the airline industry;
the high food prices caused by the government's actions;
the high fuel prices;
empty homes;
homeless people;
a government that cannot do its job;
gang fighting (although they were not "gangs from the hood");
on and on!.
Name your own examples!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Only when the capable start vanishing, do I worry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When have these things not been happening!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Watch this page!. By clicking in the countries' names you will notice how far you are from certain problems!.


I am convinced that the objectivists are nothing more than apologists for greed!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All aspects outside the scope of defense and the courts are the areas Government are overstepping their duty!.

The individual is being replaced by committee in Washington DC, with legislate this and legislate that!. The founding principles of life, liberty, and the purist of happiness are continually taken from us and the worst part is it is done through the silence of the masses!. It is inevitable the USA will turn to a totalitarian state if changes are not made now!.

To stop this I would salute those who silently go away and then those such as Harleigh Kyson Jr!. who states, “I am convinced that the objectivists are nothing more than apologists for greed!.”; will learn who the true people of the mind are and how the US is supposed to be a nation of producers and not consumers and only by producing will the US flourish once again!.

Ayn Rand hit the nail on the head with Atlas Shrugged……Though we still have time to make things right!Www@QuestionHome@Com