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Position:Home>Philosophy> Great minds think alike, correct?

Question: Great minds think alike, correct!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Correct! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was just about to ask the exact same thing!. ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Completely, entirely incorrect!.

Great minds question each other, look for areas of concern, look for errors and call others on their assumptions!.

Republicans, however, do tend to think alike!.

'nuff said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I don't think so!. I think great minds think differently!. Other wise, we would'nt be as inventive or technologically advanced!. The ability for great minds the think differently expands the range of things the can do and invent!. Think about the designers and engineers for sky scrapers, theyre always pushing the envelope and thinking up different thing, thats why we have such variety!. Sure, some things will obviously be thought up by more than one person!.!.!.gives you someone to discuss things with!
Very good question, by the wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

the hippo always saves enough acorns to get through winter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Great" being defined as Plotinus' "One Mind Soul"-individuation, such Soul-realized Beings "Mind" similarly in that Truth, Justice, Purity, Love, and the like are reflected!. What is noteworthy is that within such transcendence, there is a correlated infinitude of individuation!.

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet!.

A "great minds" topic will be aired on http://www!.coasttocoastam!.com radio (click on "Affiliates" button for local station and broadcast time), featuring Dr!. Cliff Pickover Wednesday evening!. http://www!.pickover!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Think tanks function on the premise that intellectual power under one roof can be brought to focus on a stated goal!. The process does not always proceed smoothly (that is expected), but does encourage innovative ideas to mature thru the medium of comparison and debate!.
That's the ideal, but is compromised often by personal competitive drives, clashes, feuds and expedient alliances!. Smaller, intense groups are more efficient than larger, more diffuse committees!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if your definition of a great mind is narrow, then definitely!. but Mozart and Einstein definitely did not think alike!.Www@QuestionHome@Com