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Question: The seven (7) social Evils!?
I think these were said or written by Gandhi:


Wealth Without Work
Pleasure Without Conscience
Knowledge Without Character
Commerce Without Morality
Science Without Humanity
Worship Without Sacrifice
Politics Without Principles!.
What do you think of these, and have you had any experience with them!?
As always I ask this question with Metta
(((((May all be responsible for their actions)))))
Thank-you for answeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I do not understand "Metta" and I am uncertain where this list comes from however my I suggest a some revision!?

Life without appreciation
Consciousness without understanding
Knowledge without application
Research with restrictions
Worship without restrictions
Sociology with BiasWww@QuestionHome@Com

Does the first one mean celebrities,footballers and politicians!?
the second one relates to prostitutesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wealth without work - not something I have myself, but I have family who live in Monaco (for work purposes)!. When I visit them I'm surrounded by people who have nothing but inherited wealth!. They are both lucky and unlucky!. Having the security of being free of poverty but the boredom of needing to achieve nothing to survive!.

Science without humanity: have no personal experience but the pharma industries approach to aids sufferers in Third World countries!.

Politics without Principles: this is emotive as those whose politics are being propounded will believe there are principles behind them, whilst other will say they are unprincipled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dear Metta,

Mahatma Gandhi is from a neighboring country to me and we've been fascinated by his ideologies and enlightened visions on almost every aspect of living and loving!.
During a historical setting of the crusade he launched for removal of chronic social evils and freeing people from political subjugation in the 1920's, Gandhi basically summarizes on the literary understanding i!.e completely upon the reader and the interpreter himself as to how the basics of social livelihood should be!.!.!.!.!.
should anyone have any further queries on the subject, here's a straight link below which can guide people through the eternal quest to have the above answers gotten!.


As of me, metta my friend,
i cannot consider myself apart from the daily evils that we face on everyday basis and to give examples of such would only be either to create a book on it, or to make it lengthy or lousy for the readers to go through!.!.!.!. so i conclude by appreciating all the answers posted here till now!.!.!. All of them are meaningful and sensible in every ways!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Amassed unearnt or toiled for wealth is said to be detrimental and ruinous to a person’s character!.
Gratuitous pleasure bereft of conscientious application sobriety and propriety is indeed calamitous to man's character!. The Spirit unbound spoils and is marred without consideration of others and consequence!.

Conscientious capitalism is both profitable and honourable!. Without a respect for the world and social order, rampant and extreme consumerism has horrendous outcome and effect upon the welfare of society!.

Science without humanities long term concern contributes to terrible acts of destructive inventions, ie nuclear bomb, and genetic annihilation gases!.!.

Worship without sacrifice – here I disagree, if adoration seems to compromise one’s self esteem, or is a laborious toil or effort in some way, then it is not worship but a labour of love maybe, but a labour all the same!.

Politics is the management of a nation, with so many interests and agenda, it is easy to pander to the paymasters at the risk to the long term welfare of a country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com