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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there something with not being able to get close to anyone?

Question: Is there something with not being able to get close to anyone!?
Is there something with not being able to get close to anyone!?
I don't know what's wrong with me!. Every time I start getting close with someone!. I start to lose interest in that person!. It could be fear of rejection as I have had a fair of that in my life!. I am 20 years old!. I'm not very close with my family either!. I don't know why I am like that!. I wasn't like that in high school even though I was rejected by my friends!. I've been let down by men in my life!. I have been let down by family members as well!. Well anyway, it was when I started college that this started!. When I was there, I would try to befriend people and I'd think we were cool But then I'd see them on the path and they'll look at me like I am crazy!. So that caused to withdraw tremendously!. I was also dating this guy and well things didn't go right and I was afraid that people would talk about me so that caused me to withdraw even more!. I've always felt misunderstood by everyone all my life!. I am currently a loner with an INTJ personality!. I am happy with being who I am!.

* 57 seconds ago
* - 3 days left to answer!.

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1 second ago
But I still ponder on the reasons why I can't seem to get close with anyone!. I don't even know if I can spend the rest of my life with someone!. I don't know!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is ridiculously common that people need to feel loved, have a sense of belonging and a sense of comfort!. You are not weird!. You are just experiencing life!
It is very hard to get close to anyone if you have been hurt or scorn in the past!. Just take friendships and relationships slow!. Don't expect too much and you won't be dissappointed!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone goes through that feeling more than once in their life!. As far as opening up to people - it's important to remember that you will be ok by your self and also to have that confidence in your personality!. You know who you are and that's all that matters!. You should only be concerned with how you are feeling and if others reject you, then they are not meant to be your friends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it bothers you, it's a problem!. If it doesn't, it's not!.
I'm in a similar situation for different reasons!. I can't be bothered getting close to people; I don't see much value in it as all people do is take time up that could be spent on interesting things!. I don't know anyone who I like enough to spend the rest of my life with!.
Some people may see it as a problem, but I don't!. If you aren't lonely and you are functioning, why worry!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

sound very familiar!.
you are happy what you are, but what's the problem!?!?!?

let define the word "Friend"
in my opinion:
I've friends who don't agree with me,
I've friends who fail me'
I've friends who i can talk to freely,
I've friends who play with me occasionally,
I've friends who i miss,
and I'm a friend of myself too!.
Of all the Friends, we don't have the same views, character or habits!. i disagree with myself sometime too!.
But still they are chapters in my life, who teaches me well, be it sweet, sour,or bitter,
and i have learn to respect them all!.

take this advice:
nothing are forever'
in time we will lost some of our beloved friends to death!. fight,
competition and destiny, it"s inevitable, be STRONG to accept it!.
i was once " a frog in the well' tooWww@QuestionHome@Com