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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that superstitions that have remained in use for a long time must h

Question: Do you think that superstitions that have remained in use for a long time must have some psychological value!?
If not, what is your explanation for why some superstitions are believed for a very long time, while others go out of fashion almost immediately!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When you think about logically, all superstitions serve a useful purpose and have value!. They are actually part of how our brains evolved - without superstition, we wouldn't be human!.

People have superstitions in order to gain a sense of control in an uncertain world!. Women and children are more likely to be superstitious than men and adults, because they have less power and control (even today)!.

From a psychological perspective, the most valuable superstitions are those involving lucky amulets, talismans or protective rituals!. Because these give people a feeling of confidence, which often translates into success!.

The other type of superstition which tends to last a long time is one of certain objects or actions being perceived as "unlucky" or ominous!.

Although on the face of it, this appears psychologically destructive, in fact it is a form of primitive risk management!. It makes people lead a more cautious lifestyle, which has no doubt saved our collective bacon in more uncertain times!.

Sometimes it appears to be simple common sense!. For example, one very old superstition dating at least back to Roman times and still current is that it is bad luck to stumble!. It makes sense that after stumbling (perhaps through carelessness or because of illness) the person should then remain in a cautious frame of mind for the rest of the day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to some people, I guess superstion has validity!. The beleif that stepping under a ladder, for example, bringing bad luck!.!.!.!.!. to whom!? bad luck because it might fall and crush whoever is underneath!. The black cat thing goes back to the time of witchcraft and their "familiars"!. I guess I can understand some of the superstitions, but not all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Religion is this way!. It gives us an easy purpose to our lives!. It stops people from asking questions and quells curiosity about 'dangerous' topics!. It was probably more likely that those with an easy-way-out, albeit delusional, belief were more able to cope with the day-to-day stresses or avoid them altogether!. also, since religion often entails reproductive instructions (namely, to have lots of kids), it is more likely that those genes which allowed for the adoption of irrational ideas were able to survive and be more prominent!. It is not the superstition, such as religion, that survives in the genes, but the propensity for the easy adoption of irrationality that is passed on!.

Further, it is part of the duplicity of adopting irrationality to at once both believe in an irrational idea while instantly rejecting other ideas in its name, while strengthening the previously, and currently, held belief!. This is a fact of the adoption of irrationality (superstition) -- accepting one irrational belief leads to countless other irrational decisions and beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com