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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would aristotle be for or against this case? and why?

Question: Would aristotle be for or against this case!? and why!?
basically, a man is dating a women in colorado!. he goes to california and has three one night stands and then dates a girl!. he has sex with the girl he is dating then goes back home, so essentially he is dating two people!. he does not tell the girlfriend in colorado about his one night stands or the other girl he is dating in california!. what would aristotle say, esp regarding telos and virtue!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all, there is purpose!. Telos!. You do things because they accomplish something for you!.

If you are dating someone, presumably the purpose is to establish a long-term relationship with them!. If you then cheat on them, lie to them about it, and otherwise work toward goals that counter this purpose, you are not only wasting your time!.!.!. Aristotle would call that bad!.

It bears mention that even though he did advocate the 'golden mean' for a lot of things, there were some emotions and actions which were ALWAYS bad!. Among them are adultery!. Now, admittedly you're not married to someone you are just dating!.!.!. but that just makes it a smaller form of adultery ('cheating') and not magically good!.

I think any way you slice it, Aristotle would be completely against this kind of behaviour!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good luck- she'll know, you horny stud!. Perhaps she'll do as much to you- by the time you know, it's too late!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having multiple partners was normal behavior in his time!. They would not see it as a problem!.

peace and loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

you dont seem to have the kinda avatar to know why aristotal made things for people to read,!., made be it was the first textWww@QuestionHome@Com

Aristotle would be against this case because his virtue theory states that you need to find the mean of the virtue!. For this, it looks like this guy has the vice of foolhardiness!. And amongst other things!. Like low temperament!.Www@QuestionHome@Com