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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you suppose that we are mice in a maze?

Question: Can you suppose that we are mice in a maze!?
The idea that a civilization far beyond ours can be observing our actions and reactions and even placing events in our paths while remaining completely unnoticed is not beyond comprehension!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Galaxy Gate," Colton and Murro,
"Mrs!. Frisby ad the Rats of NIMH," Robert C!. O'Brien,
"The Soulless One," Mark Prophet,
"Above Black," Dan Sherman, http://www!.aboveblack!.com are worthwhile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its more complicated than mice in a maze, because if we were the mice, whats the cheeze!? hence, the question of the meaning of life is created!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can suppose it, but it's a wild supposition!. Gods, and being controlled by scientist-like advanced civilisations is a result of not being able to accept the fact that you can't control what goes on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lay off the weed, bro!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that all the time!.!.!.!.!. here's what i think !.!.!.!. just like bacteria on a tiny particle of food are living feeding on it not knowing anything about our world or where that food particle may have come from!.!.!.!. we are living here as part of a much much bigger world !.!.!.thinking we are the most intelligent life formsWww@QuestionHome@Com

thousand of years ago, aliens visited our planet & saw what they liked , ,naive, ignorant human beings , ,they realised we could be used as manpower for their future projects , ,
so with their ultra modern technology, they helped us to be more sophisticated!. !.
when the cave men saw these aliens & their spaceships , they thought it was God for they had no knowledge & had never seen anything like it , ,

so while these aliens were willing to help us, they were a bit concerned whether we might overtake them at some point of time in the future , ,
so they conceived a plan which would ensure we would never unite as one to serve the goodwill of mankind , ,and hence was born the cocept of religion & different Gods , ,
and guess what, !? their plan has worked like a charm ! !Www@QuestionHome@Com