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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think this is easier?

Question: Do you think this is easier!?
Do you think it is easier to live in misery or to find happiness, if you search your whole life for happiness is it such a let down that maybe embracing misery isnt so bad!? I know it is a terribly depressing question but i think it holds value in this day and age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Great question!!
Search for happiness in itself is an enlightening process!.!.!.!.!. it brings forth so many new and unique understandings about our life and our mind!.!.!. it is therefore worth it on that account itself, even if happiness were to remain elusive for ever!.!.!.!. search for happiness is an enriching option whereas embracing misery drains us out totally!.

One strange issue here is that if we are on the right path in search of happiness, we are supposed to learn how to face misery oriented events without feeling miserable!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the search for happiness, because even if you can't find it, you will never regret not looking for it!. embracing misery is for the weak!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's just the thing - you can't find happiness by searching for it!. Where is it - under a rock or something!? No! Happiness is found within not without!. Happiness is a state of mind that becomes a state of being!. Happiness is not where I can find it; it is where I am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are those of us who don't want to be freed from our misery!. It is probably because it is the only thing we know and understand!. Some of us do not understand the strange feelings perpetuated from not suffering the same old thing over and over again!. And worse if we have developed within a complex social equilibrium our activity well then we usually do return to it eventually!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No question, it is easier to live in misery!. But then the next question is "Do you want it easy!?" or maybe "Would you rather be happy or miserable!?"
Nobody really wants to choose misery, they just feel they have been beat down so many times that they give up, become complacent!. I know how it feels!. Sometimes I look around and all I see is corruption, that makes me feel pointless, it makes me feel like giving up on happiness!. But the truth is "How you feel is really all you have in this world!." Everything else comes and goes, money, relationships, belongings, all that is temporary!. All you take with you is!.!.!. how you felt!. So, to me, finding any and every way to feel happiness is essential!. And as it turns out, it comes from the smallest of places, it is constantly hiding in the little things!.
Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm happy everyday for just existing!. Although I would be rather sad if I didn't have the means to support myself with basic needs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you learn to accept whatever state you are in and make the very best of it that you possibly can, you will be happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have always been told you cant find happiness unless you learn to like, love, and be happy with yourself then happiness will find you!. misery is only what u make itWww@QuestionHome@Com