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Position:Home>Philosophy> Check this out...what do you think??

Question: Check this out!.!.!.what do you think!?!?
wrote this for my love :) Im 27

Take these words and burn them
as they flow from my body that is on fire
into the man that holds the match
burn them to ash
they exist inside me
like the flames of love I have for you
dangerous and hot
the only one who can handle them is you
the fire starter
the man who fulfills my desires
yet leaves me wanting more
new desires are born
and it feeds the fire
burn them
like your eyes burn into me
when we are as one
because these words are real
like my eyes that burn back to you
our passion beyond heat
our connection beyond the mind
our love beyond the heart
burn them
they cant be erased
our love is beyond wordsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's great!. Some may not understand the thought of your poem because they might be used to rhyming poems!. Lots of poets doesn't use rhyming words but just to express feelings!. I can see and feel your feelings for the one you love the way you put the words together!. When I read poems, I read the feelings and expression of the author not the arrangement of the words!. You got my vote, Backwith!. It's beautiful the way you express passion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its a bit too choppy for me!. But different writers have different styles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's hot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pretty good =] It's a little all over the place, though!. I found myself re-reading the first lines a few times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com