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Position:Home>Philosophy> Renascence Man, what can he do or not do?

Question: Renascence Man, what can he do or not do!?
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Hey, I'm the one working on that time machine!.!.!.what marvels we could see! What questions we might ask!

Believe (in a proper, respective tone) Renascence Man can do almost anything!.!.!.however, so can Renascence Woman!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah, my ultimate fantasy to travel back in time as did Michelangelo, Shakespeare and a few others!. Where is Sherman with that machine!. Is this the same Renaissance man that you are asking about!?

Edit: Coop your version is correct but I think the classic still more preferred version is Renaissance!. That is what threw me with your spelling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Men of the Renaissance learned the ancient Liberal Arts, consisting of the Trivium and the Quadrivium!.
"Trivium: (Lat!. tres, and viae, three ways) The first three disciplines in the mediaeval, educational system of seven liberal arts!. The trivium includes grammar, rhetoric and dialectic
"Quadrivium: (Lat!. quatuor, and viae, four ways) The second, and more advanced group of liberal arts studies in the middle ages, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music!."

So, anything predicated of a mind that has all that knowledge is what a Renaissance Man can do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com