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Question: How do you get deep!?
I want to know how to think deeper!. I want to get as smart as i can and get as close to the answers as possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Practice looking at a problem from many different angles!. Visualize your self standing in another persons shoes, and speculate what your position would look like from that individuals perspective!.

Expose yourself to as many different points of view as you can!. Try not to focus on only those opinions that you agree with!. Get to know the opinions of those who would oppose you; this will help you understand your own opinions better, especially when it comes to where your position is in relation to the opinions of others!.

Never resist the urge to ask a question, even if you think you already know the answer!. Ask the same questions to as many different people as you can, and compare the differences you find among the answers you get!.

Knowing what to ask is just as important as knowing who to ask; always try to consider your sources, and speculate about what motivates different people answer your questions the way they do!.

Search for parallels between current events and historical events!. Use those parallels to consider as many possible implications for the future that you can think of!.

Never resist the urge to follow your curiosity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Question everythingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Seek clarity instead of voicing an opinion?

peace and loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Question everything and seek the answers yourself!. Concentrate on ideas, not people (in other words, don't watch or read anything that concerns celebrities or reality television)!.
Don't let your mind be tethered to one single concept, like religion or class!. There is no greater intellectual prison!.
Never stop learning!. Even when you're finished with your formal education, NEVER STOP LEARNING!.
Explore the world, even if it's only through books or the internet!.
When you travel, avoid touristy places -- take the road less traveled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don`t shout out everything that`s on your mind!. Listen to different people`s opinions about things, BUT, decide which opinion do you think is the right one yourself!. Don`t let everyone just come by and change your mind about important things!. :) Of course, have authorities but think with your own head at all times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read all that interests you and build a library of damn good books!.
If you want to get deep you have to think like a child and ask, ask why!? In that you find your answers by thinking, not by instruction!.
Use wisdom in your pursuit of knowledge, there is smart, but wisdom outranks intelligence by a great mark!. That does not mean that you have to give up one for the other, it means that if you have both on your mind then you will indeed go deep!. Intelligence without wisdom is like a live grenade in a child's hand!. It can do some real damage to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

great question, idk how to get deep while writing my college essays!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do what Convexles says!. She is an intelligent lady who helps me think and challenges me to further develop my intellect, although I must admit that her physical beauty sometimes distracts me to the point that I forget what she just said and this leaves me desperate to try to impress her in some way so that she will continue to think me worthy of her time!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com