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Position:Home>Philosophy> Just sit for a while by thinking that you just born,you have just attachment wit

Question: Just sit for a while by thinking that you just born,you have just attachment with your self only!.how you feel!?
just feel that you have just attachments with your self like a child fresh born does not know nothing about the things he will force to understand to live in his life!. be with yourself only for a while!. then write how you feel and what you achieve in those moments while you were only with you when you have no any worldly relation with no body and you do not have any knowledge about any thing exept you only!. thanks please just be serious and just give your self some moments!. and write your experience!. thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
your question has given me a chance to be a fresh born again!.but that time ,at the time of birth ,a child can have feelings but can not tell but when he is just feeling free from all the pains he was experiencing!.that time i make my self in my mind!.while i was in that free feelings ,i was able to feel right with the pure and weightless body and felt that i am flying in all directions freely!.any direction gave me full of bliss and feeling of pureness!.just i felt that i have oneness with this unlimited space!.o yes even there were nothing what only the space!.no stars/moon/sun /earth etc!.only space in very different that what is we are seeing at present!. very clear and inner eyes were enjoying watching that!. really i am very thank full to the moments and your question ,that gave me a chance!. thanks again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually remember this moment!.

The thought was

"What is this place and who are these people and why do they treat each other in such an unloving manner!. Don't they know who they are!."

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe at the point you described is where the hard-wired social and human instinct part of us takes over!. As with a small child or infant, he looks to a parent or someone older for care and guidance, and is in constant observance of that persons emotional state!. It is from that influence that the child begins to form ideas and opinions!. I don't think this can be done without observing actions of others!. That is, a very small child cannot assess how he feels!. His only inborn motivation is to explore and investigate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com