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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can we achieve world peace? If yes, how? If no, why?

Question: Can we achieve world peace!? If yes, how!? If no, why!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think the only way we could achieve world peace is by not trying to achieve world peace!. If we focus instead upon observing ourselves, on looking inside of ourselves and on figuring out how we work, what we are and so forth, and then in seeing that all this thing we call "the self" is is an accumulation of experiences that are blatantly also the experiences of everyone else (love, hate, anxiety, aggression, violence, etc!.) and that our thoughts are our self, and that that self is not at all unique but is in fact the same madness that is shared by everyone, and if we can put an end to that by observing it, and in doing so 'die' - to everything of yesterday, of an hour ago; to time itself, for I see time as being just an artificial thing that does not belong in the 'psychological' world where it distracts from living a life that is momentary by breeding worry - "This happened to me in the past and now I'm scared it might happen again!" or ambition - "I am going to be this or that in the future!"; certainly time might be necessary as movement in the physical sense, but that is something different altogether - and then be totally empty of this thing we give a name and call our self, this thing with a family and experiences and its values and so on, then we can be totally and utterly "in the moment", and there will no longer be any separation, no more "you" and "me" but merely everything; universal!. "You" will be everything!.

But that is not something we can know or experience - except fleetingly perhaps, when we resonate with a piece of music or lose ourselves in the beauty of nature; when we see something in actuality and not merely the recorded image we have of it in our brains that struggles over it without fail everytime we take a glance - while there is still an observer to observe everything else as separate from himself!. And I think that that would be a kind of "peace", and that if everyone stopped trying to rearrange the outer world into some semblance of peacefulness and turned instead to observing themselves that eventually some kind of world peace would occurr, for then all striving and ambition would cease and we would no longer want with such greed!.

How can we make a room tidy and pleasant when the inside of our head is full of mess!?

Okay, maybe I'm just a totally insane and embarrassing teenager with a bit too much time on their hands! And I didn't quite explain this in the way I had hoped to!. I'm sorry for all this rambling!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont believe that we are capable, as we are generally a selfish group!.

I totally agree with one of the last scenes in the original terminator movie!.!.!.!.where there are 2 little boys with toy guns and Sarah connor is speaking into her small tape recorder saying basically!.!.!.!.!.!.we have no hope!.!.!.!.!.ie of averting war etc as that's the way we are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to say no,because violence is an inherent human
characteristic!. Even if a Utopian world state were to be
established in the future,there would be those who would rise up against it in the name of some religion or ideology!. There
will always be war,no matter what the scale!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lead by example!. Build it and they (we) will come!. Find a culture or society or tribe or what ever there is that is "DOING IT RIGHT" We always talk about what is wrong but never do or embrace who or what is doing it right!.
Keep it simple stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would like to think it isnt to late,i hope for peAce not wAr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No--too many conflicting interests!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

best question ever

if we all join towards making our life beautiful then we can attain peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, we cannot achieve world peace!.
i have watched a lot of wild life documentaries ,and ALL life forms ,from the tiniest plants and insects to the largest animals ,EVERY WHERE,there is competition for food and shelter ,and mating rights, every thing eats and gets eaten one way or another ,the battle is ongoing!.humans are the same ,just look around you,and look at the world!.since we share so much DNA it's not surprising!.i wish it was otherwise , but it is not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No we can only achieve peace within our selves!. Find peace within , and than spread it to another!. Let your peace radiate to all around you and infect them with your love!. Only in this way can peace be achieved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting question!

The importance of securing international peace was recognized by the really great men of former generations!. But the technical advances of our times have turned this ethical postulate into a matter of life and death for civilized mankind today and made it a moral duty to take an active part in the solution of the problem of peace, a duty which no conscientious man can shirk!.

One has to realize that the powerful industrial groups concerned in the manufacture of arms are doing their best in all countries to prevent the peaceful settlement of international disputes and the rulers can only achieve this great end if they are sure of the vigorous support of the majority of their people!. In these days of democratic government the fate of nations hangs on the people themselves; each individual msut always bear that in mind!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We can philosiphise the meaning of peace to no end, but I think this is only because we never experience the frighteningly true opposite of it!. For many people around the world all it means is that the bombs stop!. That would be world peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com