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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the true essence of being a man?

Question: What is the true essence of being a man!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe loving a woman!.It is why we are male!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is being not a woman!. (said of a human being, of course)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Acting like one!Www@QuestionHome@Com


that's a funny question!. I thought I would, when clicked on your post, find a definition of essence, and an example of that a true (and therefore a false) essence!. But found nothing!. So, let me see what I can say in this conditions!.

to answer about the essence of something, one has to accept some pressupositions!. One of them is that there is essence or essences!. Second, that it is possible to be said (therefore in clear words)!. And thirdly, that human being (here, a man) 'have an essence' - so: there's a essencialist view of humanity!.

This three basic things are interconnected in a way that makes our answers not just an answer, but brings a point of view (a philosophy!.!.!.) up!.

Schopenhauer says about the essence of world (the Will of all world things): the Will exists but it is irrational!. And I say: if it is irrational, thus it is unsayable!. So, with Wittgenstein, I (we) must remain in silence on this respect!.

In a few words, and with it I close my answer, there is for sure an essence, but it is not possible to be said, and to be said clearly!. So, my silece says by itself!. ________________________________________!.!.!.


Having a penis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The essence of man, is to ultimately glorify God in all His righteousness and glory!. To praise Him with all of man, nothing more, nothing less!.

As to the essence of a man and woman, both are made to complement each other!. The other strong when one is weak!. The thinker and the doer!. The dreamer and the logic!. The fact and the myth!.

Woman are made, to take care of man's glorious possession (in the process of pregnancy )!. And in return, men are made to take care of the woman!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Man should the Leader , protector and provider !.Www@QuestionHome@Com