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Question: Thesis Statement Opinion!?
I finally came up with a thesis statement and I need some opinions on it!.
My assignment is to pick a philosopher and an aspect of that philosopher that I find interesting!. Then I am suppose to make MY OWN (original) arguement!.
I choose Nietzsche and The Will to Power!.
My thesis statement is "If someone has nothing to lose and was to risk it all, despite the outcome it is considered a smart move!."

I think thats original and makes for a good 6 page paper!. Any opinions on how to make it stronger or better yet a thesis statement for me, I might be pushing my luck but heck its worth a try!. Thanks for the time for anyone who answers my question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your sentence could use some work grammatically!.

You're flipping back and forth, past tense ("was") and present tense ("is") for no apparent reason!.

also, how can anyone who literally "have nothing" risk it!? I think I know what you're trying to get at!. Are you saying that someone with nothing material to lose may be more likely than someone else to risk his own life!? If so, that should be clear in the wording!. A thesis statement is not a great place for vagueness!.

"Those with little to lose are most likely to take chances with what they do have, including their own lives, and this willingness illustrates what Nietzsche meant by the will to power!."

If that's what you meant, that would be a much better wording!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seems very interesting but the topic might be too generalized for a 6 page paper!. It might be a hard struggle in between fully discussing the topic and making it concise enough for a 6 page paper!.

Try a more niche approach (niche Nietzche!.!.!.hehehe) and you'll have a beautifully composed paper and a fully explored subject!. A big plus is that the more specific and least popular means you will have more "original" arguments to add to it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com