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Position:Home>Philosophy> How will the freedom of expression affects the wellness of the society?

Question: How will the freedom of expression affects the wellness of the society!?
Will it do better for people in all ages!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a very important question, sis, especially in these evil times of today!.
Freedom of expression is one of our most important tools in keeping the leaders of the world from misbehaving!. They actually hate us for having this tool - even though they tell us otherwise - and want to take it away from us; for leaders don't appreciate to be criticized - never have, never will!. We must therefore defend this our God given right to express ourselves with everything we've got, or we will lose it - forever, or at least for a very long time!.
Without it we would be nothing but slaves, having no rights at all - not even the right to speak out against our oppressors!. We're almost there!. Scary indeed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it would help but since it doesnt seem like there even IS freedom of expression ANYWHERE its hard to know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Where is freeedom of expression really 100% acceptable!? In what society are you freely aloud to express yourself with no consequences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The problem with "freedom of expression" is that people assume they can say whatever they want without any consequences and the result is that the expressions worth hearing are drowned out by the loud and constant whining of cowards who would otherwise keep their mouths shut!.

Freedom of Speech means your government can't punish you for what you say!. It does not, in any way, protect you from the man on the street who gets fed up with you!.

People tend to think that anarchy is a bad thing but the truth is we have always lived in anarchy!. Everyone you meet is free to slit your throat if they are willing to suffer the consequences or even if they are just so angry they fail to consider those consequences!. The only difference between government and anarchy is that it is much easier to dodge the consequences of one's acts when there are courts and a government!. In an anarchy, justice is swift - you seek to do me harm, I do whatever necessary to keep you from it!. If you kill me, my people kill you!. Very simple, very quick and stupid people don't last long!.

Freedom of Speech and government in general give people a false sense of intelligence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com