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Position:Home>Philosophy> How does one major in Love?

Question: How does one major in Love!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
perhaps you could major in love, but once you recognize your own deploma, it perishes!

That is the idea of "Love"---you do not regard your own sacrifice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is an excellent question!. maybe rephrased to how does one learn to be love!. You might find a book titled "The Art Of Loving" by Eric Fromn interesting & helpful!. All I really know is that we get the lesson we desire the most!. If you ponder Love, look for Love & attempt to practice Love the universe will reveal it to you!. This is what I have done!. I wanted more than anything to understand this concept of Love, eventually I was given an experience that revealed to me that Love was what I was, had always been, & what I had come from!. I also know of the principal of acting as if!. If you act as if long enough, one day you will find you are not acting any longer!.