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Position:Home>Philosophy> How much is Science related to Religion?

Question: How much is Science related to Religion!?
On a scale of 1-10(1=less/10=more)!. How much would you say Science and Religion are related!? Elaborate at will!.

Thank you for your comments!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Science and religion are the same!. I say 10!.

yes my answer seems weird but think about it!. Religion is used to explain the unknown; things that arent easily understood!. Science does the same! Of course there are methodology differences in how the information is gathered, however people's reasons for examining both are the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

arent they complete opposites!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd give it a 1!. Science and religion are completely different!. Scientists think that people are here today because of evolution, while religious people think we are here because of God's creation of us!. Scientists believe in the Big Bang Theory, while religious people believe that God created the earth in 7 days!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends, science and religion can contridict,
science has an evelutionary theory and religion has an evelutionary theory, for example sceince things big bang, religion thinks God and the creation story, personally i would give them a 2 on the relativness of bothWww@QuestionHome@Com

only as far as the psychological aspects of why humans need/like/invent religion!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

-10 (negative 10)!. Science is about observation and testing!. With religion you never see any results, and you can't test it!. Religious people always say when something good happens its an act of God, but when something bad happens its the will of God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Christianity is a religion of "One God" Therefore, they do not believe in a "Moon God" Or a "Sun God" They understand that science is the cause for it, not some foolish God!. (PS, I am not a Christan!.)
However!.!.!.if you try to combine the two, it does not work, for science can only prove what is physcial!.!.!.religon deals with what is not!.!.!.
So I will say 5Www@QuestionHome@Com

Science is it's own religion (10), with it's own followers!. It is directly opposite in most cases to spiritual religion, but still it has it's own herd of sheep (followers, and believers)!. The science peoples Jesus is the mysteriously missing link!.!.!.and it's still mysteriously missing!.!.!. Hmm!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

science is about understanding as objectively as possible what is going on

religion is about keeping traditions of fictional beings aliveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lol it's an interesting question,

I say that Science IS a religeon since a lot of it is based on beleif [I say this mostly because of Evolution]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't put it on a scale, but the origin of science is deeply rooted in a desire to understand creation!. During the middle ages, there was a desire to "study God's handiwork!." It really wasn't until the Reformation that the was a questioning of the Church and in the political disorder people started look for answers in different places!. Only when new scientific discoveries conflicted with that of the Church, was there a lot of friction between the two!. At the time, the scientists didn't neccessarily disagree with religion, but with the church!. Copernicus, who is accredited with with the original heliocentric view of the universe, actually dedicated his book to the pope!. The conflict between the two only came about when science undermined the authority of the word of the Church!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Science and religion are apples and oranges
They don't belong in the same sentence!. Realize that many scientists do believe in God!.!.!.some attend houses of worship!.!.!.their private lives are separate from their lives at work!.!.!.as it should be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

science, is always changing, now they dont even write books about science,(articles are more common) just articles, since it is currently changing, yet:
Mathew 24:35
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away!. (Jesus talking)

the Bible (God's word) states things that science hadn't discover, lets take the example of the earth being hold to nothing (the space) what did science said: a big elephant carries the earth, but then someone said: NO, big pillars hold the earth, but then someone rise and said: NO, a big man, a very strong man holds the earth!.
And the Bible says in:
Job 26:7
He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing!.

Now Job is considered to be one of the oldest, books of the Bible!. All this was before Christ, and Christ was before NASA by thousands of years, so the Word of God (Bible) stated, that the earth was "hangeth" in nothing, thousands maybe tens of thousands years before the NASA!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I am not religious per say, but I am Spiritual in my practice!. I find really that we both are seeking the same goals!. The new understandings in physics about consciousness are getting much closer to what Mystics have always said!. A good reference book on this subject is "The Dancing Wu Li Masters"!. Sorry the author eludes me at the moment!. The book is about the similar aspects of the new physics & mystic beliefs!. also the book "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden I am reading now is promising!.

Science and Religion both have an elite priesthood that lay people defer to and give much power over to!.

Historically, Religion has been at the forefront of science: e!.g!., Mendel's genetics, ancient astronomy (the Aztec priests built observatories and predicted astronomical events)!.

Science and Religion both have tenets of belief, and often "Scientists" will believe that Scientific Method can account for all mystery!.

Science and Religion both use theories to organize observations, although Science provides a better path for changing theories through conflicting observation and Religion prefers to leave its theories unchallenged!.


Science typically rejects the power of thought or prayer, while Religion honors it and depends upon it, although there is no reason a scientific minded person couldn't study the power of mind and believe in it!.

On your over simplified scale, I'll choose 7!. :=)Www@QuestionHome@Com