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Question: Why is Chaos related to Fear!?
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What is "normal operating procedure" for a Navy Seal would scare the bejezus out of me!. It would be chaos: things going on around me, equiment I was not familiar with, policy, procedure, and most of all the situation itself, say Baghdad, or the coast of Cuba, or the waters of the mideast!.

Fear diminishes proportionately when one learns to turn chaos into order!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

chaos like fractals, is unpredictable, therefore in a mass of people reacting to a situation causing fear, scatter randomly in thoughts and in individual directions, by the cause and reaction,
~hypothetically one may be in fear of something, phobias for example, and as a result mentally tries to figure out what to do to resolve the issue, the situation, habitat, and utilities each would be preset and alternatively random, per individual, multiply that by and stadium full of people, and havoc will occur,


People learn their behaviour from the cause and effect relationship!. They modify their actions to attain their goals!. If the relationship between cause and effect can never be determined due to the randomness of chaos people don't know how to act to get their needs met!. Nothing can be understood about the world either inductively nor deductively!. This generates fear in that the environment is incomprehensible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chaos begins with Fear!. Someone is afraid, so they run in circles like a chicken with it's head cut off, and then some other chicken thinks it would be fun!.!. so they run in circles!.!.!. and so on!.

And of course, in chaos there is always fear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so!. Sometimes a certain type of 'chaos' inspire to move on!. To get the proper payment for a work, workers make so-called "chaos" that is related to Fear to the rude owner of a company or industry---whereas that chaos inspires the other deprived workers!.
n!.b!. How could you thank me in advance for such answer!? :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chaos forms the fearWww@QuestionHome@Com