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Position:Home>Philosophy> What could you say to somebody who thinks that brothels are a good place to go t

Question: What could you say to somebody who thinks that brothels are a good place to go to!?
Please no indecent answers!. If possible something more philosophical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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It's hard to say without knowing a little bit more about the situation, but I'll give the best general answer I can!.

I assume by your question that you are of the opinion that brothels are not good places to go!. While I share your opinion on a moral basis, I also believe very strongly in another adult's right to make their own decisions!. In fact, I think that most people don't like others imposing their own morally-based point of view!.

So when counseling the other person, I would base the discussion around outcomes of going to brothels!. For example, if the person is married then discuss what the impact is on the marriage!. Or discuss what the impact is on the person's self-esteem, health, finances, legal (if you live in a place where it is illegal), etc!.

also, genuinely listen to their point of view and ask questions!. Find out why they are inspired to visit prostitutes!. Perhaps there are underlying issues (e!.g!., self-esteem) that will surface in that conversation!.

By all means, avoid the "You shouldn't go because I personally object" types of arguments!.

In the end, it is my opinion that they have the right to go to a brothel so long as it is legal, and the transaction is executed amongst willing and consensual adults!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The bug you catch could have been avoided!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It's their choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about, "Live your life!. I've got my own life going on, and so am too busy to put my nose into your private business!. "Www@QuestionHome@Com

Where a condom, and sorry it's not legal!. You should actually tell him to protest for legalization of prostitution nationally!. It would cut down on sex trafficking and help protect most the women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know if you could say anything to that person without trying to impose your personal moral standards upon them!.

That's one of those situations where either they 'get it' or they don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cant really say anything!.!.!. but!.!. you could always give them some lovely photos of how all those STD's look!.!.!.

Theyre pretty demented!. Our sex ed had all these seriously demented ones!.!. urgh!.!.

or else just remind them how many others would be going there!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone's entitled to an opinion!. You could however look at it this way!. The average hooker on the street only gets as much medical attention as his or her conscious and pocket book allows!. Who knows what they are carrying!. But a legitimate business, like a real brothel would have to keep their 'staff' clean or they'd go out of business!. As far as the practice - it'll never go away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For what reason/s do you imply that brothels are a bad place to go!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

they may or may not go but even if one goes also no one would say that its a good place,
and if one does he is not good, decided!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say nothing!. It is their life, not mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's his opinion!.!.!.

You can only give your opinion to that person, but that's probably not going to change his!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Prostitution has nothing to do with relationships It is completely to do with sex and power!. Your friend wishes to seek quality relationships with women but surely he is setting himself up to take either a derogatory or pitying view of women!.

Tell him to have a w*nk and get himself out and about to meet women who are free - in all senses of the word!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe a brothel is a nice place to go to occasionally but I have so far found other things more interesting to do!.

For some people it might be good for others it might be bad!.

Brothels basically sell fantasies!. Somtimes a little fantasy can be a good thing!. Jesus supposedly hung out with publicans and prostitutes!.

Personally I would likely get bored quickly at a brothel and find other mental stimulations generally more satisfying!.

If your friend is addicted to the experience he likely hasn't been exposed to the many more stimulating activities that exist!.

try to get your friend involved in real relationships and the pretend love of a brothel will likely have less allure!.

If he is addddicted to the experience, remeber that bad habbits are not lost, they are merely relpaced by new habbits of thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think there is any philosophical answer to this!. Your friend has a need that needs fulfilling at the moment and this is the way he has decided to fulfil it!. I think brothels are a good thing if they are run correctly!. They are clean and safe for all concerned!. At least you won't get him running around raping girls cos 'he can't live without it at the moment'!. It's not the place to find a relationship but sounds like that's not what he's looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If this person asked you and wants to know your opinion and is interested in "quality" relationships, you might ask what kind of "quality" they are looking for!. You will find quality--of a sort--at a brothel!. But if you are looking for something more substantial it isn't the place to go!. More important than even the place the person goes is the place where they are at in their own life!. They have to know what they want in their life, who they are, what they believe in, and where they are going!. If they don't know any of that it doesn't really matter where they go to find a relationship!. As a matter of opinion, you attract what you are!. And going from that viewpoint I'd figure I'd have to make sure I'm the type of person I want to be before I go looking for anyone else--that probably rolls over into where I look as well!. I would never feel comfortable in a brothel, so the person I'm looking for wouldn't be there!.!.!.!.Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask him if he would be happy if his own mother, sister or daughter worked in such a place!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

if he needs it,,then go for it!.!.brothels should be legal anyway!.mary!.c,Www@QuestionHome@Com

See if he is going for some fooling around, then it could be tricky medically !. If he is lonely then he will not find a friend there -most probably!. If he is going for experimentation, then that phase shall be over soon!. I myself went to a brothel once just to have a look as a human level ONLY and initially it was so bizzare to see them categorised based on their area of origin or talking so casually about taboo body parts and how some males come /go so sheepishly in the brothel and some so boisterously!. But the girls also come across as human beings discussing about TV programmes, day to day routine living, etc - quite an eye openerWww@QuestionHome@Com