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Question: Apperance vs!. Reality!?
How can you emphasize the difference bteween appearance and reality!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well that depends on what you mean by Appearance and Reality of course!. If you are using the words in an everyday colloquial sense, us Philosophers will call that the "Naive Realist" attitude!. This would mean that you believe that what you perceive (when not otherwise deceived) is Reality!. To emphasize the difference between Reality of this type and Appearance, the most important factor becomes the possibility of deception!.

We can be deceived by other people, or by malfunctions in our own sensory systems!. To emphasize the difference between Naive Reality and Mere Appearance, point out the possibility of lies or mistakes and contrast that with properly functioning senses and contemplative reflection!. Basically the model of skepticism is a good instructor of how to tell the two apart!.

For more sophisticated definitions of those terms, it turns out that Reality actually cannot be known!. All that is possible for conscious beings to process is Appearance!. No matter what is done, Reality itself is inaccessible to individuals!. So the difference here is that everything you perceive is Appearance, and Reality is what is the case, but is unknowable to us!. The scientific method is the best we have for approaching knowledge of Reality, and it often conflicts with how things appear to us!.

Science and Rationality are our best tools for approximating Reality in our mental lives, but it must be stressed that All Is Appearance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

An oil painting depicts the "Raping of the Sabine Women"!. The reality is linseed oil, pigment, cloth canvas of cotton or linen!. The appearance of the scene is a manipulation of colour, that's an illusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask ten different people what they saw and you will get ten different answers!. If one of them is multiple personality, you might get 11;) And don't forget the video tape for reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There isn't one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Appearance is what EVERYONE can see without opening their eyes, how you act when around others or how you look to others, but reality is when people really open their eyes and see things that maybe aren't the best, or are, but aren't seen without that firm look!.


apperance is what anyone can see!. what it may seem can be desieving!. but reality is the thing that's true!. not the apperance, but the actual thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

appearence only tell us so much!. in reality, everybody has problems no matter how they act or wut they look likeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Old Dog in part - Appearance is a "figment of your imagination" and Reality is a "pigment of your imagination"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com