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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can it be that in some sense everyone is a philosopher, and yet there are th

Question: How can it be that in some sense everyone is a philosopher, and yet there are those known as philosophers!?
I have to write a short essay on this question for my philosophy class!. I have some ideas on it already, but it'd much appreciated if you could contribute some more!. (: Thanks so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because all people live by an indivdual philosophy!. We all must, whether it is unique to the individual or copied from another source!. Those who articulate their philosophies and, perhaps publish them, could be considered philosophers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, i think some of the famous ones just wer ein the right place at the right time, got exposure, or published, and has the eloquence of expanding ontheir kowledge of what we already know!. i think while we are all philosphers, some people hav the give of writing out their theories in great letghs so pthers can clearly understand them, while others, just are more straightfoward in their speakh, which wouldnt be good for textbooks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Known philosophers made theories like every other person, only his theories contribute to religion, astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everyone has to think, and sometimes analyze those thoughts, thus becoming a philosopher!. but those dedicated to analyzing their thoughts and the thoughts of others becomes more advanced in the field of philosophy!. to avoid confusion, we simply do not call beginning and non dedicated philosophers philosophers so that we can distinguish between them and those that work and think hard to become advanced philosophers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophers who obtain licenses are those who specialize in perfecting what we all do anyways!. We all are activities that do things where no other language is available to adequately define these level of relations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone has a life, so everyone can debate the meaning of life!.

But people who study philosophy in college aren't there to expand on their theories about the meaning of life!. They are there to develop a set of skills that are enhanced through the study of Philosophy!. Like General Problem-Solving, Communication Skills, Critical Thinking, Information Management, Writing skills, Management and Administration skills, and Argument Skills!. Which are all skills that can be put to practical use in a number of different career choices and in a number of different fields, from government to the private business sector!.

Some of the career choices of people who studied Philosophy at Vassar, are:

Rancher, Self-employed Architect, Attorney/Counsel at MTV Network, Personnel/Training Specialist Manager, Self-employed Social Worker/Psychotherapist, Professor, Public Relations Specialist/Director of Communications at
Los Angeles Natural Resources Defense Counsel, Self-employed film-maker, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood, Financial Advisor at Merrill Lynch & Co, Editor/Writer at Fortune Magazine, Buddhist MonkWww@QuestionHome@Com