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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do I get rid of my cynical mentality?

Question: How do I get rid of my cynical mentality!?
Hi I need help!. For a few years already I've been a cynical thinker and things always turn out badly because I always think "ugh things will turn out badly" well they do but I really want to turn things around!. I feel like life is passing me by and I don't want to miss out anymore!. I want to be good at things and find what I love to do but I think I need to turn around my atitude first!. please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I understand you 100%!. I have always had the same issue!. You have to just try to push out the "this is going to be bad" voice and encourage a more positive tone!. It won't work all the time because your gut is still going to have that feeling, but if you force yourself to think a little more positive, things will slowly get better!. Try not to stress so much over small things and how they will turn out and try to take a chance or go with the flow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take a break!. Go on vacation with someone new and random!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you've already started doing it just keep going!.

Listen to Bob Marley and other Reggae can't feel down when you listen to Reggae!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know a lot of people will disagree with this, but I used to be the same way, and it turned out to be because of a chemical imbalance!. I went on medication that helped me deal with reality, and gave me the seratonin that my brain didn't know how to produce!. After time, counseling, and a lot of self-reflection, I was able to wean off of the medication, and now I think MUCH more positively than ever before!. Just a thought!

Everytime you think of a negative thought, force yourself to come up with a positive thought as well!. After a while it will be second nature, and you'll realize that you feel better being positive than negative!. I once even made a list of things that make me happy!.!.!.even dumb little things like chocolate chip cookies, lol!.

EDIT: I love that everyone here has been positive so far! No thumbs downs!Www@QuestionHome@Com

To change anything about yourself, you need to put a consistent amount of effort into it!. You may want to pick up a book on cognitive therapy!. I believe most cynical thinking people just don't know how to think properly!. Cognitive therapy will teach you how to think rationally and appropriately!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


it's a very good thing that you have identified this!. it means that you're striving to be a happier person!.

the first thing that you could do is get a good shrink!. sometimes talking about stuff and having someone who is required to be supportive will do wonders!. there is no shame in this!. but a qualified professional will also be able to provide you with a tremendous amount of positive information, resources and references!.

i too used to be a negative person but, I made an effort to find the good in everything and focus on creating and harboring positive opinions!. it wasnt easy but, I think that it paid off as I feel that I have grown into a very positive person!.

sure, bad things will happen in life!. but good things will to!. and sometimes things going wrong can turn into a whole lot of fun!.

best of luck to youWww@QuestionHome@Com

You're not as cynical as you think if you're turning to this venue for help - you already have some optimism inside of you if you believe your perspective can change!.

There is no actual advice to be given here - the view you see, the result you seek in life, is a matter of choice!. Choose to see the positive, the hopeful, and pursue that!. Don't sabotage yourself with the cynicism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've been there and it's hard to change your thinking!. You need to look at the positive side of situations and people!. Everytime you start to fall into negativity catch yourself!. If you have a good friend get them to help you they usually see things before you will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have had problems with this in the past myself!. Try to look at the brighter side of things!. Lighten up!! Thats the best thing you can do!. If you take life too seriously you do miss out on alot!. You've stated that you feelin like life is passing you by so try to slow it down!. It wont wait for you, you need to jump on the ride and enjoy it! Being cynical wont get you anywhere but miserable!. Goodluck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a tough generation for young people becasue there is so much negative situations throughout the world!. However, most (and I do mean MOST) of the negative news is propagated by a news media which thrives off of negativity and getting people upset!. There is a lot of good going on in the world that does not get reported!. I remember as a young teenager there was a "Good News" newspaper but no one was interested in it because it did not incite the senses like bad things does!. As for your cynical thoughts, each time you have a negative or cynical thought, see it for what it is, "negative self-talk"!. Become a rational thinker and reason through the circumstance!. It will turn your life around!. also, stay away from other negative thinkers and talkers as they feed off each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cynicism is a sign of a lack of confidence, either in yourself or others!. It's a way to manage expecations -- if you assume things will work out badly, then you're less likely to be disappointed when they do!. The problem is that when you expect something to go a certain way, you often take steps that bring about that outcome!. For instance, if you assume that you will do badly in a particular class because you think the teacher is an idiot, then you are less likely to study!. That makes it more likely that you will do badly, whether the teacher is an idiot or not!. I know it's easier said than done, but you have to have faith in people, starting with yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Remember this,"You are good at what you do!."
When you think negatively you will do this well!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.it stands to reason that if you put your mind to being positive about everything you will be good at that too!.
i recommend the book named 'the four agreements'!.!.!.!.a toltec book of wisdom!. It isnt a hard read however a worth while one!.Find someone out there whom you consider is really like how you would like to be and study them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's more pessimism than cynicism!. Thinking everything will turn out badly is a pessimistic point of view!. Cynics are people the world shouldn't really lose!. They balance the bubbly optimists and provide the world with deeper thought!. If you're a cynic, don't try to get rid of it---harness it!. Become a philosopher of sorts and convey your cynicism onto paper!. Some of the best writers in the world were cynics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really some good web sights on this subject, was surprised!.
I agree with others that have already answered, that you have already began the process of change!.
Their was a book written back in the 60's, called "The Power of Positive Thinking", you may want to read it!.
It would be interesting to understand what was the cause of you developing a "cynical", way of thinking!.
Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com