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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is this the "one" thing that could be said of each members of every fo

Question: Is this the "one" thing that could be said of each members of every forum on "answers"!?
All seek more stimulation than we receive in our environments!. Plus the ability to express ourselves in an unrestricted and unfettered manner without personal risk!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Interesting question!

Indeed it is!. These questions are examined, discussed, theorized about, and endlessly re-asked throughout human history, each generation making its own attempt to answer!. We give different views and thoughts and sometimes or many times in depth study how to address these questions!. With different varied human knowledge each of us have the opportunity to share in this great site, Yahoo/Answers!

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man creates his own stimuli and adventure, his inspiration and his intoxicants!.

On the topic of members of this forum, there are a few strong and distinct and well respected individuals who have consolidated a reputation for ingenuity!. There are many formidably brilliant minds here, given that we are contained within little boxes, some are able to cultivate strong personages, and yet there others equally if not brighter, who deliver their responses in staider fashion and are reliable sources of information although not as high profile as others!.!.!.

To your third point I would not call this forum unrestricted or unfettered in any way!. Violations are issued and are painfully received by users when guidelines are broken and strayed from!.

Most tend to reciprocate to questions in the same tone and manner in which the questioner forwarded the same!. Thereby some evoke excellent concise intelligent and witty answers whilst others less so !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unwillingness to change our environment!? Maybe not!. How 'bout this!. It's just another means in which to carry out the social aspect of our nature, which is to converse, and exchange ideas and opinions!. I like the rest of your claim though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hm!. In some ways participation in a forum such as this is LESS stimulating than might be achieved elsewhere!. If you attended a philosophy class or some kind of discussion group, you would have not only these words and ideas but also a much more significant social factor overlaid, with body langugage, appearances, smells, sounds, and who knows what else!. A book can be stimulating, but it is really seldom as stimulating as a movie!.

So if I were looking for a commonality among users, I would take this into account!. There is more stimulation to be had, but they choose to be here (at least those who stick around)!. Why!? Convenience probably plays a big part, and there is certainly more immediacy and interactivity than just researching on your own!. For many people, less stimulation is also a boon as it can mean less distraction as well - they can focus much more on what they really want to focus on!.

That this is less stimulating is underscored by your second point!. Less risk almost has to mean a lower level of direct involvement!. You aren't as exposed, just as others aren't!. But as others mentioned, I wouldn't say that there is no risk at all!. Some people have said enough things that their real-life persona can be connected to the one they develop here!. There do exist rules and they are enforced, no matter how erratically!. And any level of interaction still provides the potential for injury, albeit on non-physical levels!. I encounter users with hurt feelings and confusion all the time!.

Keep in mind, too, that people are wickedly complex!. They do things for very disparate reasons and motivations!. Even if you could make a statement that applied well to every user here, it might well be so general that it applied to almost anyone!. That's my take anyway, for what it's worth!. Peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com