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Question: Is it Possible for Rational People to Disagree!?!.!.!.!?
Two people sit down to a discussion!. They have good food, readily attainable beverages, all the time in the world, and the desire to determine the most Rational answers to the "problems" of philosophy!.

Is it possible for these two people to disagree!?
Will they eventually reach an agreement on everything!?

And please explain yer answer!. Thanks all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes, they can all too easily disagree!. most peole differ in opinion!. what one person sees as being the rational thing the other might not!. if i think it only makes sense for llamas to only eat grass and you think it only makes sense for llamas to eat idk, wheat or something, and if neither of us has any more background information besides, say a picture of a llama in its habitat where grass and wheat both grow ready for the llama to eat, how will we really know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course!. Who says there's only one right answer to everything!.

In fact, who says there's only one perfect answer to everything!.

If you only need one run to score, a home run or a sacrifice RBI bunt are both perfect answers (both win the game, which is the perfect solution), but there's at least two rational options to select from for the same solution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can only answer from experience!. and so i have to say when it comes to the problems of man, i know not exactly what you asked, but still if there is agreement, then the conversation is over, and nothing changes!. it is essential for there to be disagreement in order to maintain the level of interest needed to effect any result!. Talking to people who agree with us is just blowing wind!. might just as well discuss matters with yourself, and rational people usually have some better thing to do!. I hope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is ok for you to disagree with me, but deep down in, you know I am right!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The problem with coming to an agreement in philosophy is that the innate nature of philosophy leads to trying to grapple with deep reason in respect to someone else's opinion!. No matter the subject, truth, as men define it, is always skewed by point of view; divining truth then is always a personal , and rarely a plural exercise!.
That being said, two rational, well informed and well intentioned "deep thinkers" could very easily fall on different sides of a philosophical argument simply because of the inherently subjective nature of the conclusions that they reach!. Philosophy, unfortunately isn't based on the same type of concrete foundation as, say, algebra; two plus two is sometimes going to equal five!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who was it that proposed the idea of the rationality in irrationality!?

If a man says he will, his whole life, make only rational decisions and he finds himself hungry, exactly between two cafes, nothing else for miles around!.

which is the rational choice!? the cafe to his right!? the cafe to his left!?

If these two rational men were stood together, it is irrational to choose neither and starve, it is entirely rational for one man to go to the store on the left, and the other man to the store on his right!.

it is here that they are being rational in their randomness, and finding it possible to be rational and disagree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, disagreement in logic is possible, probably, and acceptable!.

When people talk, they talk in propositions, e!.g!., "Bob is getting married!."

When they attempt to make an argument, they put propositions together into syllogisms, e!.g!., "Bob is getting married; His wife is a tightwad; Bob won't be able to spend much of his own money!."

There are 256 different ways to put syllogisms together!. http://www!.philosophypages!.com/lg/e08a!.h!.!.!.
Of these 256, only 12 lead to the possibility of a truth!. All of the rest lead necessarily to false conclusions!.

Since any of the 12 MAY BE true, it takes more argumentation to discover which of the 12 are either false, or more likely not true, since some cannot ever be proven false unless and until "X" comes to pass, or "Y" is brought into the argument, etc!.

Therefore, 12 different arguments could all POSSIBLY be true, and each is taken as an opinion, of course people will disagree!.

And it is natural, in a world that wants peace, for them to "agree to disagree!."

It is only on principles that you cannot agree to disagree, but then, only when you see that someone elses principles are destructive!. If those other's principles "do no harm", as people say today, then let it go!. It's not yours to decide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure, highly rational people would prefer to agree though!.

The supreme function of reason is to show man that there are things beyond reason!.!.!.Blaise Pascal!.

One of those things is Peace; which would be less probable without some kind of agreement!. True reason can only be found beyond reason!.!.!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com