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Position:Home>Philosophy> Interesting i swear(: lol. question about relationship & wedding anniversaries?

Question: Interesting i swear(: lol!. question about relationship & wedding anniversaries!?
(i just had a random thought and wanted to know what other people would say)

say a couple has been dating for 3 years!.

then decide to get married on the same date that they were officially together!.

so their marriage would be on their 4years!.

now after one year of being married!.!.!.!.

would their anniversary restart to one year!.!.!.
or would they continue to say their anniversary has been for 5years!.
or what!?

lol hopefully you understand my question right!?

*for me!. i would prefer it to be the 5years because that is how long they've been together right!? and it's just one year of being married!.!.!.!.
see if people didnt want to marry then it would be 5years still and ongoing!. you know!? lol!.

well there's my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the answer to u question is :the date u were married ,each year there after ,is u wedding aniversary
the date u met is u time together aniversary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com