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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you ever get the feeling?...?

Question: Do you ever get the feeling!?!.!.!.!?
Do u ever get the feeling that you're all alone in the world!? The feeling that there's someone for eveyone but you!? If so, why!?
the person who i can most relate to with the best answer gets the big 10!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ya I understand you!. I know exactly what you mean!. Just the other day I broke up with my girl or more she broke up with me!. Just because I wasnt the most popular in school!. Now I can't find anyone there can't be anyone for me ive asked some girls out and they always reject me for the most stupidest reasons:(

Then I have no clue what I'm gonna do after I graduate this year!. I feel like the world hates me!. I always ask myself why am I here if I mean nothing to anyone!? I'm confused about life and no longer believe in god!. My entire world is falling apart and no one not even my closest friend understands:(Www@QuestionHome@Com

most of the time its because we subconsciously want it that way,trust me there's plenty of someones out there for you, i just HOPE$ you get the right one Good luck,!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I get that feeling a lot!. Sometimes, there are experiences in life that we truly believe we are the only ones experiencing it, feelings that we think only we are feeling!.

And when that feeling comes, it's the loneliest and scariest feeling in the world!.
And even if you have a good support system, it can still feel that way - maybe even worse, because the people around you just don't relate to you in any real way!. And 'it'll be okay' loses all meaning!.

I know, it's a familiar feeling to me, regardless of where I am or who I'm with!.
It's hard, I do know that!.
I knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yea, I do!. A lot lately!.
It's spring and I see all these happy couples walking in the park, holding hands and stuff, and I feel so lonely!. But I guess, I am kind of freaking people away, which makes me even more sad!. Especially, when my parents make me feel like I am guilty for everything that's going on im my life!.
Pretty ironic, don't you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes i do, it seems like you look around and there are couples all around and you wonder why you are not happy with someone, smilling and giggling and then you keep thinking, that there is someone and yet you can seem to find them!.

the more you look the more you feel alone and sad and then you get upset and say you dont need anyone, but down deep you know that all you want is what you see every day couples holding hands and loving each other and you really want that!.
