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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do people keep telling each other that they can't buy love?

Question: Why do people keep telling each other that they can't buy love!?
They Don't Know that for EveryoneWww@QuestionHome@Com

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I beg to differ from the general norm and consensus that love cannot be bought!.

You can buy love!.

No, i can't say that, i would like to re-phrase it!.

Money cannot buy love, but it can greatly increase the chance of you getting love!.

Here i am not saying you give money to someone and ask her to love you!. But money is a great asset for you to be attractive!. It would be naive in today's world to say that you would be with a broke guy that cannot provide you with anything!.

And money enables you to look good, feel secure, buy things to make yourself comfortable and confident!. Money will indirectly buy you love!.

When someone has money, feels good, he or she can then have a stable 'base' to do things he/she wants to do!. Love sometimes is a luxury, so with a stable financial background, no worries for money, you can have more freedom and less restrictions to love someone!.

Money certainly helps!. money complements love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

true but then again what is love in the first place!? And if it can be bought is that what love should really be defined as: something that can be bought!.

If a millionare tells a girl he'll pay her a milliondollars to love him who's to know if she truly loves him and doesn't just act like it!. You see where I;m going with this!. And this leads to a whole nother problem of the fact that you can never tell how another person truly feels let alone what the actual definition and thought behind love is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course you can't buy love!. Love is something you make out of it!. It's just natural, its a feeling not something you can buy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u can't buy loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

You cannot buy something that does not exist!. If you exchange cash for attention, company or sex it prostitution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You cannot buy love!.

Love is a feeling someone has for another because they truely like who they are!. It is absolutely impossible to truely love someone if they give you money or buy you things, but you dont really love that particular person!.

You may like them, or pretend to love them, or be grateful!.!.!. but love is emotions directed towards emotions because of emotions!. It cant be anything else, considering the meaning of the word 'love' and what it stands for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because love is a feeling and people think that they can just get people to fall in love with them by buying someone elaborate gifts!. True love is formed through actions!.!.!.!.not material possessions or words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can buy a gold digger's love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If someone tries to "buy" love, it means get someone to love them with money!. Anyone who has a soul knows that love is an emotion that comes from the soul and can't be "bought"!. If love could be bought, it wouldn't be love, just greed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A person cannot pay money for the emotion of love!.

People do not chose who they love!. And !.!. people do not chose who they do not love!. It is a natural emotion!.

A person can dislike a person, but love them!.
A person can "want" to love someone - but does not!.
A person may love someone - and wish they didn't!.

It's like the heart has a mind of it's own !.!. people cannot control the emotion of love -- nor can they buy real love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When have you even seen it on a shelf!?

It's through actions of your significant other that you fall in love!. Actions are done freely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love is not something you get, it is a journey that two people take!. People have different ideals, some worship money, some worship God, some worship good deeds!. Because of this, some people can buy love cause that just means material goods, others eschew the material and cling to the spiritual and therefore could be 'bought'!.

Love is personal and is different for each!. We all 'buy' love, just with a different currency!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it's not something that's up for sale!.
People can buy others material items that may provide comfort/enjoyment, to show their love for another, but real love comes from within, not something you can put a pricetag on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com