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Position:Home>Philosophy> When will the end of the world be?

Question: When will the end of the world be!?
Please include many different assumptions!. (Example: Mayans, Christians, Scientist)
Will you please give me different estimates of when different groups of people think the world will end!? also, will you include websites to support your information!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The world will end when no one expects it, when Jesus comes to earth, he will take the people who served him on one side, the other on the other, then he will take the good people up to Heaven and the rest will die while the earth is destroyed, no one knows when though, and don't worry about it, don't freak out!.


Although the date December 20, 2012 sticks out according to the predictions of Nostradamus (many of his works were coded), the Aztec calendar (nothing on their calendar is recorded after this) and people such as Edgar Casey, this date does keep coming up!. The truth !.!.!. no one knows when the world is going to end!.!. Since I was a little girl growing up in the 1940's to date there was always this controversy that the world was going to end soon!. So far it hasn't, but, we all have to participate in keeping our planet clean and replacing what we take (if we can) and the worst danger of all is over population of the world!. This leads to less and less space and an imbalance of nature!.


It is speculated that the world will most likely end in the year 2012!. The Mayan calendar is a system of measurment that has been accurate within seconds for thousands of years!. Most of the predictions that were made by the race were correct!. In the year 2012 the Mayan calendar ceases completely!. There is argument over whether the world will actually end or if it will be similar to an ecological new beginning!. In other words, something akin to hitting the reset button!.

This is purely theory, and cannot be proven at this point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

May 31, 2999Www@QuestionHome@Com

only god knows! he would have told you if he wanted you to know!. why are you worried about it so much!? your gonna die one day anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no exact date we predict the world will end, but in the bible it states the world shall end once jesus comes back to fight the devil!. He will take all of his followers to heaven, and forgive those of their sins!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tons of people believe in the theory that the end will occur on December 12, 2012!.
a random number & i don't see why!.
I think it is when the sun dies, whiping out all of civilization!.
That seems more realistic than the theory!.
but since it is expected in about 3 billion years, i think you and i are safe;)

Nobody has the answer to this but the Lord Jesus Christ!. If you beleive in him and his purpose than just keep the faith!. He has a purpose for everybody!. In my opinion i believe that when Jesus feels it is time for you to be with him, then thats when it is the end of the World for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world wont end!. Life might but the world will continue until the sun drags it in or explodes in a supernova then it will just become a piece of something else in the universeWww@QuestionHome@Com

only god knowsWww@QuestionHome@Com

i once heard 2012 cuz i think it was something weird like a meteor will hit us but if that doesn't then Pluto is going to crash into us (lol cuz we made it not a planet) and something about the earth wobbling im not sure but i no i heard the date december 5 2012Www@QuestionHome@Com

google 'nostradamus'!. he predicted the world was going to end a couple of years ago!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.but it obv didnt!. i was a little scared (i stress, a very little)!. he predicted the twin towers happening!. very weird!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont think anyone really knows anything about when the world is going to "end"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, i'll be frank with ya, i'm not a scientist, but i'm a Christian so i'll level with ya!. i don't know when the end of the world will be!. again, echoeing ur previous statement, only God knows!. but here's a guess:
when all hope and faith is gone!. when all the love in the world has finally been wrung like water from a damp cloth!. when hate has dissolved our bickering government to nothing!. when friendship and family is no longer the most important thing in life and when all human decency has gone from the hearts of men and women!. but until that, i will continue trying to add to this answer and continue loving with the love of a million hearts!. i will keep dreaming and wishing with all the faith & hope i can muster!. i won't fear the end knowing that i know one thing not everyone knows: that life is worth living!. that life is a gift from God so why waste it!. as long as love still lives in the hearts of many, God will look down on the world, and smile!. until the end, i will look at my life and never take my existence for granted!. i am so thankful to be alive in these times & in this world!. u should b 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Science, we were discussing how the Universe is expanding, but apparently there is discussion that at a certain point in time, the universe will stop expanding and start closing in, therefore creating an almost reverse 'Big Bang', ending the world!. I think this will be a long time away though :) And I think if we are not careful, all life will die out, thanks to Global warming, and running out of resources!Www@QuestionHome@Com