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Position:Home>Philosophy> If good people like you and evil people call you evil does that make you one of

Question: If good people like you and evil people call you evil does that make you one of great character!?
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It's how you feel about yourself that matters!. Everyone has their own interpretation of us!.!.!.true or not!. We know we are good people, because we have what we call the magnet attract!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am guessing you are a Scorpio!Www@QuestionHome@Com

#1 you can put on a show for good people!. #2 Evil people can call anyone evil!. They can call evil people evil!. What others say doesn not define your character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"great character" that's too vague!.

Does it make you evil or good!?
well, it could be interpreted either way!. ie evil people can call you evil and that can show approval among them, evil people can call you evil meaning that they dislike you

By the same token, good people might like you, not knowing that you are on the side of bad people (because they call you evil, like one of heir buddies)!. Or they can genuinely like you because you are in true a good person!.

It depends what you mean by great what the answer is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good and Evil are transient terms that accomodate a contemporary culture at a given time!. But if you want any historical measurement of great character, it so happens the the greatest in history were hated by both the good and the evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes, Good and Evil are base on perception!.

In the past, a tribe can call the other tribe evil just because the other tribe have different culture and belief as them!. Then they justified the genocide of the other tribe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a good question!. I would think that, yes it would make you a person of great character!Www@QuestionHome@Com